Banner Time Line
As It Relates to Students
March 2010 - Financial Aid Goes Live
Continuing students/prospective students applying for Financial Aid
use MyPortal for all Financial Aid communication
March 2010 - CCCApply Goes Live for domestic students
New/returning students begin using CCCApply for admission to summer/fall 2010
and beyond
April 2010 - Instruction Goes Live (catalog and schedule)
Possible pilot of registration for Counseling 100
Assessment scores uploaded into Banner from high school placement
End of May/Early June 2010 - Registration Goes Live
Registration for summer and beyond occurs in MyPortal
June 2010 - MyPortal Live for summer class rosters
July 2010 - Financial Aid Disbursement Goes Live
Tentatively, students will receive first 1011 Financial Aid disbursement
using Higher One
August 2010 - MyPortal
Faculty portal live for summer grade submission
September 2010 - Foundation Goes Live
Students become part of alumni base for future fund raising
March 2011 - DegreeWorks Goes Live
Students/advisors can access for educational planning