Mission Statement – De Anza College provides an academically rich, multicultural learning environment that challenges students of every background to develop their intellect, character and abilities; to realize their goals; and to be socially responsible leaders in their communities, the nation and the world. De Anza College fulfills its mission by engaging students in creative work that demonstrates the knowledge, skills and attitudes contained within the college’s Institutional Core Competencies: Communication and expression, Information literacy, Physical/mental wellness and personal responsibility, Global, cultural, social and environmental awareness, Critical thinking Adopted Spring 2010

Meeting Notes - March 7, 2012

Attending: Caballero de Cordero, Chung, Glapion, Haynes, LeBleu-Burns, Mieso, Moberg, Moreno, Patlan

Updates – Campus Budget and Tech Task Force are jointly reviewing the Measure C requests. Meeting weekly, they will refer questions about the requests back to the appropriate PBT. As Olivia and Rob both attend Campus Budget and the SSPBT, they will be the first respondents to queries regarding Measure C requests, and forward questions to SSPBT they cannot answer. It was also suggested that there should always be a Student Services rep on any committee that involves resource allocation.

Goal Review- Reviewed goals set in January – technology use, collaboration of veterans’ services, CORE student intervention/monitoring, service alignment. Most of these goals are on-going, but we have also recently focused on the program review, resource allocation, program viability, and these should be discussed within the context of meeting accreditation guidelines. It was suggested that we also collect a list of services from each area for further discussion and cross-referencing duplicate services, etc. Also suggested that the goals be listed on each agenda, similar to the mission, to maintain focus.

Timelines for APRU – the program viability chart is almost complete. Haynes mentioned that Academic Senate liked the format and the communication lines between the PBTs and Foothill – De Anza – District. Continued discussion about the venue for discussing effects of program discontinuance/change at the global level. The Academic Program Matters committee is one place that Instruction reviews issues across the campus. Perhaps Student Services reps could be included on this committee as issues such as the repeat rules are reviewed and new policies developed without SS input as far as we know.

Haynes also said the APRU narrative was almost complete and revision suggestions were made. He also reviewed the role of the TracDat/SSLO resource person in each area. This person should be familiar with all the areas being evaluated under one manager, be able to monitor the various stages of SSLO development, instruments, evaluation and outcomes; and help inform the APRU/CPR. Instruction has SLO liaisons that provide this function, but SS does not. Haynes mentioned that Instruction is setting aside 25K to be used for resource allocation addressed in SLOs as top priorities related to student learning and success. Will there be a similar effort in Student Services?

CAS Standards – LeBleu-Burns reviewed the CAS standards, using the DSPS model as a referent. The group discussed how this related to accreditation standards, how we previously had insufficient criteria for program review and this provided a framework that has national use. The model includes self-assessment, process, review, evidence, performance review/judgment, and assessment against the standards. Then action plans using evidence-based criteria. Action for the SSPBT is to further review the CAS model and develop a CPR rubric that we can draw from to create the APRU template we will use this year. It was also suggested that we ask Mallory to help create a standard report for collecting data on Student Services areas similar to that used for Instruction in the IPBT.

Nexting meeting is scheduled for March 14, 2012

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