Mission Statement - De Anza College provides an academically rich, multicultural learning environment that challenges students of every background to develop their intellect, character and abilities; to realize their goals; and to be socially responsible leaders in their communities, the nation and the world. The college engages students in creative work that demonstrates the knowledge, skills and attitudes contained within the college’s Institutional Core Competencies:
 • Communication and expression
 • Information literacy
 • Physical/mental wellness and personal responsibility
 • Civic capacity for global, cultural, social and environmental justice
 • Critical thinking — Updated Spring 2014

Meeting Notes - Oct. 16, 2014

Attending: Caballero de Cordero, Claros, Cook (co-chair), Glapion (co-chair), Mieso, Robles
Guests: Veronica Avila and Cleve Freeman

There were no amendments to the agenda or the notes.
Veronica Avila is the new SSLO Liaison, starting this fall quarter. Veronica will be working on growing the connection between Student Services, Counselors, and Instructors. She will also be conducting the follow-up to program reviews that should be completed by the end of this fall quarter. Once all the program reviews are complete, the rest of the year will be dedicated to reflecting on the information obtained.
Committee Orientation
Updates from Teams

1. Orientation - Claros
Claros has met and spoken with a couple previous planning members from last year. He viewed many of the California Community College online orientations around the state and researched various software products. Mentioned that some college’s link the orientation after the application is completed. Once the orientation is launched, we might want to look into creating orientations for specific populations.
Suggestions - Look at the Santa Monica College orientation and ask some of the previous
planning members to be on the team to assist.
2. Assessment - Mieso
Mieso met with Assessment, Language Arts, and PSME Deans. Continued the discussion on the implementation of assessment testing on campus and at high schools. He is working on reconnecting with our high school partners to build communications, share ideas, and to
understand issues.
The state is working on a Common Assessment Pilot program and De Anza is one of the pilot schools. This program will be starting in the Fall of 2015. A discussion has started on a possible retesting pilot program with the departments as well. They will also be looking into targeting the students who test below college level to incorporate support programs and mentoring. We also might want to include assessment in the online orientation.
Suggestion - The availability of online assessment for students. It would be especially helpful
for the International Students in our program.
3. Counseling, Advising, and Education Planning Services - LeBleu-Burns
4. Follow-up/At Risk Students - Burgos
5. Technology - Mandy
Due to other engagements, the last three team members were not available to update the group today.
The plan was created to address how we could better assist the specific groups at De Anza such as our vets, DSPS, foster youth, low income, and Latino/African-Ancestry male students.
Meeting Dates
An additional meeting will take place on Oct. 30th. Veronica Avila will be invited to our meetings and will attend when possible.
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