Meeting Notes - October 20, 2010

Attending: Beckum, Booye, Cook, Corrao, DASB, Glapion, Haynes, Hunter, LeBleu-Burns, Marquez, Mieso, Moberg, Moreno, Patlan, Poon
Guest: Jackie Reza
SSPBT Committee Training #2
Jackie Reza facilitated the second SSPBT training. (Handout-Committee Member Responsibilities). She recapped information from the October 5th “How to be an Effective Shared Governance Committee Member” training. She asked those that attended what they thought most important about being a committee member of a governance group.
- Represent minority view
- Who is our constituency
- Minutes a work in progress
- What it means to be a committee member - make the commitment to attend meetings
- Glossary of key terms (acronyms)
Reza provided handouts from the Educational Master Plan regarding governance groups and recommended everyone review the document. She also emphasized committee members represent the whole of the college, not just their area.
 Discussion - Developing a handbook for new members that would include:  
-MOU’s (ACE describes representation on the SSPBT)
-Academic Senate appoints SSPBT co-chair and the duties include reporting back to the Academic Senate
-Information from the Academic Senate and Classified Senate Bylaws about representation on the SSPBT
-College Mission Statement, Institutional Core Competencies, Strategic Initiatives
Discussion - Cultural competency - How does your curriculum incorporate cultural competency and information literacy in supporting a multicultural environment?  
Reza’s recommendations for SSPBT goals
-How do we take care of ourselves with less money and people?
-Include list of where members report to i.e., College Council
-Be pro active so we are ready either way, criteria in place
-Work that connects the Mission Statement, ICC and Strategic Initiatives
Acronyms PBTS might use
Maui – Argos - Macintosh user interface for reports
Program Review - Outcome Based Program Review
MSA – Multicultural Staff/Faculty Association for FHDA
SLO - Student Learning Outcome
AUO – Administrative Outcomes
SSLO – Student Services Learning Outcomes
DARE – Development and Readiness Education
Agenda items for next meeting
1) SLOs and discussion of draft criteria. Haynes will send this.
2) Discussion item – Outcome Based Program Review, set goals, i.e. continue orientation, reporting role
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