Mission Statement - De Anza College provides an academically rich, multicultural learning environment that challenges students of every background to develop their intellect, character and abilities; to realize their goals; and to be socially responsible leaders in their communities, the nation and the world. The college engages students in creative work that demonstrates the knowledge, skills and attitudes contained within the college’s Institutional Core Competencies:
 • Communication and expression
 • Information literacy
 • Physical/mental wellness and personal responsibility
 • Civic capacity for global, cultural, social and environmental justice
 • Critical thinking — Updated Spring 2014

Meeting Notes - May 5, 2016

Attending Members: Cook (co-chair), Glapion (co-chair), Kaur (DASB) Mandy, Mieso, Robles, Shears, Ward

Guests: Donna Jones-Dulin and Mallory Newell

There were no amendments to the agenda and two made to the notes.

Facilities Master Plan

  • The plan is a long-range vision for the campus.
  • The plan was developed to compliment the Education Master Plan.
  • The presentation includes the planning, development, recommendations,
    and the next steps in the process.
  • Jones-Dulin did answer some questions about the capacity on campus.
    • A set formula is used by the state to determine classroom capacity.
    • According this this formula, we are not at capacity and will not receive
      state funding.

Any questions can be sent to Donna until the August Board deadline.

Accreditation Update

Newell went over the various resources that are available on the main
De Anza Accreditation Page.

The timeline and the online link were reviewed as well.

  • Newell explained the different areas and how to update the online documents.
  • The matrix document should be completed by the end of June.

Accreditation Work Time

The remaining time of the meeting was given to the different committees to work on accreditation.

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