Students who have the following background(s) will have an increased change for success in Financial and managerial Accounting courses.

Suggested preparation includes:

  • Ability to use computers, especially word processing and spreadsheet applications and the World Wide Web
  • Ability to apply math concepts to business situations. Use of fractions and percents is especially important
  • Ability to read and write at college level
  • Understanding of how businesses operate
  • Good study skills
  • Additional resources

Ability To Use Computers

Computers play a vital role in accounting and business. Therefore, all business majors need a general background in how computers work and how they are used. It is mandatory that students have spreadsheet (Excel), word processing, and Internet skills. You may want to consider taking:

  • CIS 3 - Business Information Systems (5 units).
    Visit the CIS Department for more information.


The ability to manipulate fractions and percentages and solve word problems is essential to accounting success. Finite Mathematics (Math 11, 5 units) is recommended before taking Accounting 1C.

Hint for success:

To improve your changes for success in Accounting 1A..

Reading and Writing

The ability to read financial journals, write detailed reports, and make presentations is essential to success in the accounting field. English composition and reading (EWRT 1A, 5 units) is recommended before completing Accounting 1C.

Understanding Business

Familiarity with the structure and operation of businesses in the United States is assumed in the first accounting course.

Hint for success:

BUS 10 - Introduction to Business (4 units) or its equivalent will improve your chances for success in Accounting 1A.
Visit the Business Department for More Information

Also, investigate the College Programs and Student Services section of the De Anza catalog for information about support services available, such as:

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