Overview of Equity Planning Process and Timeline
Why are we doing equity work?
We want to build a campus that works for all of us and all of our students.
What do I need to know about the equity planning process?
There is a State mandate that each community college reports on their equity goals and challenges as well as their action plans. The Office of Equity, in conjunction with Mallory Newell and Rowena Tomaneng, are leading a steering committee with the input from equity core teams that is producing a report, which is due November, 2015.
What am I responsible for?
Deans: Guiding the equity process and making sure the division is engaged.
Department Chairs: Assist with gathering narrative data about the culture of the division from a departmental perspective. They will begin the process by using the following handouts (available from your Dean, Equity Core Team or Equity Office): Starting the Dialogue for Equity Planning and Department Equity Planning Analysis. Please return to your Equity Core Team as these are completed.
Equity Core Team Members Equity Core Teams are groups of 4 -5 people within each division representing various perspectives and departments. These teams consist of individuals deeply committed to institutional equity and social justice in practice. This group will work together on guiding the equity planning process within their division. They will assist and facilitate the development of the annual student equity report as well as a 5-year comprehensive division equity plan. Their ongoing work will include helping identify best practices to amplify and challenges to overcome.
Liaisons The divisional liaison is a member of the equity core team who also serves on the Equity Action Council (EAC). They will provide ongoing updates to the EAC and gather additional support tools and resources to share with their equity core team.
Faculty and Classified Professionals: Assist with the equity process as needed; support and champion the work of the equity core teams and participate in the departmental process.
How does the equity work connect to program review?
There are equity questions in your program review, which should be informed by your equity planning work. These questions are related to the student success equity plan (II-A.1 -3).
What is due and when?
Department Handouts: Starting the Dialogue for Equity Planning and Department Equity Planning Analysis are both due to your division Equity Core Team early enough so they can develop the division-wide annual student success equity report.
Annual Student Success Equity Report: June, 2014
Draft Five Year Division Equity Strategic Plan: May 1, 2016