Winter 2016 
Acct 001C Call No: 30511 

Strategic Learning Outcomes (SLO) for this class: 

Identify elements of cost for a business and explain and analyze how costs are allocated and assessed for various users. Compare and contrast the cost acct system for a manufacturer, merchandiser and service firm and distinguish the differences and similarities between financial reporting and cost accounting and utilize npv and irr for evaluating the financial viability of a business decision. 

In order to confirm your enrollment in the class, you must complete
the orientation in Catalyst prior to the end of the first week in the class or you will be dropped
so, make sure you log onto Catalyst right away and complete the orientation or you risk losing your spot in the class. 

See below for dates etc. 

Office: F51a, Hours - Mon/Wed 10:15-11AM, Tues/Thurs 12:50-1:40PM and online (subject to change) 
Telephone: (408) 864-8622

De Anza College Distance Learning Center LC-107 
Faxes 408 864-8245
Service Hours: M-Th, 8:30 AM-6:00 PM; Fri/Sat/Sun: Closed

Text: "Accounting Principles" 26th ed., Cengage Publishers by Warren, et al 
Note: you need the text and access to the Cengage Website - it will come with your book if you purchase it in the DeAnza bookstore, or, you can purchase it online from Cengage 

Cengage Website URL for this class: 
Course Number:E-Y84EH7TZ2EXK9 

The catalyst website for this class:

This class utilizes the Cengage website and Catalyst - the online learning platform of DeAnza College. 
Catalyst Access:

Quick Login Instructions > Username: Your De Anza College Student ID (NOT YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER). > Password: Your Birthday in this format: MMDDYYYY (Two digit month, followed by two digit day, followed by FOUR digit year; no slashes or spaces.)

Text purchase 

Your cheapest, best option is to purchase the book in the bookstore. The text you purchase from the bookstore includes the book itself and the access code to the 
Cengage website where you will do much of your homework. You must have access to the website as part of the class requirement. 

This is the only place where you will get the 
special price that was set up for DeAnza. If you go to the regular
CengageBrain website (other than the DeAnza bookstore), you will have to pay $136 or more for the same access. 

** Wait Listed Students: When enrolled students drop BEFORE final rosters are printed (Wednesday before classes begin), wait listed students automatically move into enrolled seats - an email is sent to the enrolled student letting them know of their "new" status and to pay their fees within five days if they want to officially maintain their enrolled status.

To view/monitor what the current enrollment looks like for the upcoming quarter/session, and/or registration info, please go to:

If the class is currently full and you are not on the Wait List, getting on the Wait List (through the registration process) will be the only chance of getting in. Again, once classes begin, no adds, even if on the Wait List if the class is full.

If the class is not full, then students will be given an add code on the Friday of the first week based on their spot on the wait list. Those wishing to add must e-mail the instructor after the first day of class and before 8 AM on the first Friday of the term. I will e-mail add codes to the students who have e-mailed me and are the highest on the wait list based on the space available in the course. 

AGREEMENT: In taking this class you are agreeing to the following:

All work you submit will be your own 
You understand that exams must be taken as scheduled
Homework can be submitted early, but no later than the due dates
The final exam requires you to come to campus to take the exam on the scheduled date at the scheduled time
You agree to all of the terms and conditions set forth in this syllabus

Managerial Accounting:

Job Order Accounting
Process Costing
Breakeven and Operating Leverage
Standard Costs Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and Internal Control Issues
Decentralized Operations
Differential Analysis
Capital Investment Analysis, Internal Rate of Return and Net Present Value
Ethical Considerations in Accounting and Business

REVIEW MATERIAL FOR EXAMS - utilize the Cengage website and
make sure you completely understand the comprehensive problems posted in Catalyst in order to prepare for the exams. 


Test 1 Midterm online on Wednesday, 2/10 opens at 4PM closes at midnight you will have two hours on Catalyst to take the exam. It will cover Ch 18-21

Final - Friday, March 18, 4PM ON CAMPUS in Forum 1, MUST BE TAKEN ON CAMPUS AS SCHEDULED, NO EXCEPTIONS. It is comprehensive. Calculator, one page of notes allowed (front and back, typed or handwritten, regular-sized paper and it will be handed in with the exam)

A high speed Internet connection is needed to do the work in Cengage and Catalyst. If you are connecting from home, this means a cable modem or DSL.

TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR CATALYST: please go to > There is a link to this page from the > Catalyst web site. Also, logon information and an FAQ are available at the > Catalyst web site

Homework - completed in the Cengage website - except for the two comprehensive problems in Catalyst which will be e-mailed to your instructor:
For each chapter: Read the chapter 
Follow the chapter Tutorial
Complete the demonstration problem 
Complete the assignment and homework by the scheduled date in Cengage 
Date: Begin Reading Chapter (Cengage Homework Dates in the Cengage website): Homework due - Second date shown
1/5 - Ch 18.. 1/12
1/12 - Ch 19..1/19
1/19 - Ch 20..1/26br> 1/26- Ch 21..2/1** comprehensive problem #1 in Catalyst due 2/4
Note: Chapters 18-20 are due on Mondays, Chapter 21 and the comprehensive problem are due on Thurs, 2/4 with the exam on Wed 2/10
2/1 - Compr Problem #1 in Catalyst due this week on 2/4
2/8 -Exam this week on Wed, 2/10 and begin Ch 22..2/15 hw due
2/15 - Ch 23..2/23
2/22-...Ch 24…2/29
2/29 Ch 25..3/7 
3/7 -Ch 26..3/11
Comprehensive Problem #2 - from Catalyst completed and e-mailed on or before 3/11 

Forum/Web Discussions, log onto Catalyst, look for the current Forum Topic, log in and answer question as directed

Web Disc #1 1/19
Web #2 2/15
Web #3 3/11


Midterm 100
Final Exam 200

Forum Disc 100 (approximate)
Total ..........400 (approximate) 

90% total = A
80% total = B
70% total = C
60% total = D
59% total = F
You must pass the final exam with a score of 65% or better in order to pass the class 


Incomplete grades are only available under the following conditions: The student has done ALL of the work in the course and cannot take the final exam because of an emergency (verifiable illness, family death, car accident etc). If the issue arises prior to the date for withdrawal, then the student WILL TAKE A W GRADE. If it occurs after the withdrawal date and ALL work in the course has been completed and a verifiable emergency has taken place, then an incomplete grade can be given. Please note, these are exceedingly rare. 

If you wish to take this course as a pass/no pass option it is entirely your responsibility to sign up for the option within the requisite time outlined on the DeAnza website. The instructor has no authority or ability to change a graded course to a pass/no pass course; it is entirely the responsibility of the student. 

Once you have indicated your enrollment in the class by completing the orientation IN CATALYST, it is your responsibility to keep up with the work and drop the course if you determine you cannot keep up. PLEASE NOTE THAT IF YOU DO NOT COMPLETE THE REQUIRED ORIENTATION IN CATALYST YOU WILL BE DROPPED AS A NO-SHOW.

If you do not take the midterm exam, it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOU DROP THE COURSE WITH A W BECAUSE IT IS VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO PASS THE COURSE. Please note, enrollment is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY, ADD AND DROP DATES ARE AVAILABLE ONLINE AND IN THE DEANZA SCHEDULE. Please note DeAnza is very strict with the withdrawal date policy. 

Cheating and plagiarism will be handled in accordance with DeAnza Policy (failing grade on the assignment or exam, and it cannot be dropped) and you will be reported to DeAnza Administration.

Note to students with disabilities: If you have a disability-related need for reasonable academic accommodations or services in this course, provide (name of Instructor) with a Test Accommodation Verification Form (also known as a TAV form) from Disability Support Services (DSS) or the Educational Diagnostic Center (EDC). Students are expected to give five days notice of the need for accommodations. Students with disabilities can obtain a TAV form from their DSS counselor (864-8753 DSS main number) or EDC advisor (864-8839 EDC main number)

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