Chemistry 1B 

Course Materials


Safety Document

VSEPR Review

Chapter 12 Power Point

Chapter 16 Power Point

Chapter 17 Power Point

Chapter 18 Power Point

Chapter 20 Power Point

Laboratory Information

Laboratory Procedures

Gases Experiment

Read the Gases experiment (see the above link) and prep the abstract and procedure in your laboratory notebook. DO NOT COPY THE DATA TABLES. We will collect data a little differently than outlined in the procedure. Turn in the duplicate copies from your laboratory notebook.  These should include the procedure, data tables, and calculations. This is due at the end of the period of the second lab session.  Make sure that your calculations are shown for each step and that significant figures and units are correct.


Read the Vaporization experiment and prep the abstract and procedure in your laboratory notebook.  Record all data and calculations in your laboratory notebook (you should copy the illustrated tables in the handout into your lab notebook for this one).  Turn in the duplicate copies from your lab notebook showing all data and calculations at the end of the second lab session.  Be sure to include the graph from day 1 and from day 2.

Green Crystal 

Read the experiment and prep the abstract and procedure in your laboratory notebook.  Record all data and calculations in your laboratory notebook, BUT this time, please ALSO please print up the data tables and calculation tables from the handout.

For the report turn in the printed data and calculations worksheets through the empirical formula of the green crystal, plus the duplicate copies from your notebook containing data.

Kinetics Experiment

Read the Kinetics experiment and prep the abstract and ENTIRE procedure in your laboratory notebook. Some students will be working on the first part of the experiment while others will be working on the second part simultaneously. Be prepared for both.  Record all data and calculations in your laboratory notebook.  We will generate an Excel spreadsheet and graph to calculate the reaction orders, average K, and the activation energy.  Turn in this spreadsheat and graphs along with a formal lab report.  Information about the formal lab report will be provided during lab.

For the report, turn in a hard copy of your spread sheet as well as the duplicate copies from your lab notebook of your data tables.  Calculate the activation energy and the frequency factor for this reaction. SHOW THE CALCULATION ON THE SPREAD SHEET.  

Additionally, type a brief conclusion for this experiment (no more than one typed page). Hand written conclusions will NOT be graded. Make sure to address the following:

1. How is the theory related to the procedure? In particular, how is the rate related to the triiodide formation in solution.  How are the reaction orders determined?

2. How is the activation energy determined?

3. What are the sources of error in this experiment?

Spectro Kc 

Read the Kc experiment and prep the abstract and procedure in your laboratory notebook.  Record all data and calculations in your laboratory notebook (you should copy the illustrated tables in the handout into your lab notebook). 

For your report submit the worksheets along with your duplicate copies of your data from your lab notebook.

Ka Weak acid 

For your report turn in the worksheets and the duplicate copies of your data tables from your notebook.  

Kin  Indicator

Read the experiment and prep the abstract and procedure in your laboratory notebook.  Record all data and calculations in your laboratory notebook.

For your report turn in the worksheets and the duplicate copies of your data tables from your notebook.

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