Meeting Notes - April 10, 2018

Christina Espinosa-Pieb
James Nguyen

Administrative Reps: Espinosa-Pieb, Kandula, Ranck, Ray

Classified Reps: Bdzil, Gerardo, Lorna Maynard

Faculty Reps: Khanna, Leonard, Rick Maynard, Nguyen, Pape, Woodbury

Absent: Fayek

Guests: Alicia Cortez, Mary Kay Englen, Dana Kennedy, Lisa Markus, Mallory Newell, Elias Kamal (DASB)

Approval of Notes – The notes from March 20, 2018 were approved.

Budget Update –

Espinosa-Pieb informed the team that after the Board meeting on April 2, 2018 because of continued enrollment decline the new reduction target to the instruction is $3.375M. Instruction should have a reduction plan in place for the next two fiscal years by the first week of May.

She noted than any filled position will not be eliminated before July, 2019.

Review/Discussion of Faculty Ranking -

Espinosa-Pieb displayed Faculty Reduction Ranking 2017-18 outcome for the teams to review.

The team were missing a vote at the start of the meeting and it came in during the meeting and was incorporated into the faculty list and programs for further consideration.

The team is likely would review a list of recently retired faculty.

Article 18 assignment doesn’t qualify because it is a ten years assignment.

The committee affirmed by vote the IPBT’s decision to send the first ten positions on the list for a permanent reduction to College Council’s review and approval.

Review/Discussion of Programs –

The handout with 18 identified programs has been distributed and examined.

Espinosa-Pieb asked everyone to review the document and suggest any corrections/changes. The goal is to come up with a list of the programs and recommend them to the viability committee.

Espinosa-Pieb recapped the Viability process. The viability committee is not an open meeting to the public.

The viability committee consists of: Academic Senate Leadership, Vice President of Instruction, VP of Student Services (if has impact), curriculum co-chair, the faculty curriculum chair co-chair, the articulation officer and FA reps.

She also stated that the discontinuance of any program could take up to two years to phase out, while suspension of classes in the class schedule could occur in fall.

IPBT will further review the results and make recommendations of the selected programs to the viability committee.

IPBT Meeting Schedule Discussion –

The team decided to have an extended (3:00-5:00 pm) IPBT meetings for the next four to five weeks.

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