Notes - October 18, 2004

De Anza Academic Senate
Approved Notes for the meeting of
October 18th, 2004

Senators and Officers present: Annen, Bresnan, Bryant, Castano, Cordero, Dolen, Dunn, Goodwin, Hearn, Jensen-Sullivan, Joplin, Logvinenko, Lopez-Morgan, Mitchell, Moreno, Mosh, Salah, Schafer-Braun, Setziol, Sheirich, and Winters
Senators and Officers absent: Cole and Mujal
DASB Student Representatives: James Liang
Classified Senate:
Administrative Liaison:
Guests: Anthony Choice, Anne Argyriou, and Karl Schaffer

[NOTE: Item numbers are reflective of agenda numbers in the order they are actually taken up at the meeting.]

The meeting was called to order at 2:35, a quorum being present.

I. Approval of Agenda and Notes: The Agenda was approved as distributed. The notes of October 11th were approved as distributed with minor corrections and a small addition.

II. Needs and Confirmations: Illowsky read through the list of needs in the agenda packet. There were no confirmations proposed in the packet. However, Kulwant Singh was confirmed for service on the Facilities Planning Committee, Jim Haynes was confirmed for service on the Physical Education Dean Search Committee, and two Tenure Review committees were filled by placing Gary Fisher and Eduardo Luna on the Cinzia Muzzi committee and David Newton and Lakshmi Vanniasegaram on the Kimberly Sandstrom-Phillips committee.

III. Textbook Policy: The group spent a significant amount of time on the first page of the draft document previously distributed. Also distributed (but not discussed) were proposed new pages 2 and 3 which expanded the sections on cost and faculty authored texts. The basic dynamics of department versus individual choice was almost the exclusive topic. A number of short, specific wording changes were offered and written down by Mitchell as the sense of the Senate. It was MSCU(Hearn/Bresnan) to direct Mitchell to make revisions to the section on choice to include, at a minimum, those changes read by Mitchell as the sense of the Senate. It was also MSC(Hearn/Cordero) to direct the officers to revise the section to provide stronger language to the effect that the onus is on a majority in a department wishing to restrict the choices of a minority.

IV. Other Stuff for the Good of the Order: Andrew LaManque of institutional research fame has had few takers among the faculty for the accreditation survey. The Senators were asked to respond to it soon and to encourage the faculty in their areas to do the same.

The meeting was adjourned at 4: 30 p.m.

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