Academic Senate of De Anza College Call for Faculty Representation -- Spring 2011

Student Services Planning and Budget Team

 1 from within student services for a 2-year term (current term expiring, current member may reapply)
 1 from within student services for a 1-year (replacing current member mid-term)
 1 from outside of student services for a 1 year term


As a part of the College’s governance structure, the SSPBT provides leadership and coordination for the development and implementation of Student Services planning and budget processes that support institutional strategic goals and priorities and the College’s Educational Master Plan.


  •  Facilitate the effective, efficient and timely Student Services program review, annual planning, and budgeting processes.
  •  Develop a comprehensive annual plan for Student Services with clear goals, outcomes, budget projections, and a year- end review and evaluation process.
  •  Develop a process for establishing, implementing and communicating the funding priorities and resource allocation consistent with the Student Services, institutional strategic planning goals, and College’s Educational Master Plan.
  •  Coordinate with the Institutional Research Office to provide quantitative and qualitative data related to Student Services Programs.
  •  Establish and implement consistent decision-making criteria and evaluation priorities in matters concerning Student Services budget and resources.
  •  Facilitate collaboration of planning and budget discussions and decisions across other shared governance groups and Planning and Budget Teams.

 Instructional Planning and Budget Team

3 for 2-year terms (current terms expiring, faculty member may reapply -- 2 terms are continuing)


The IPBT’s mission is to oversee instructional programs; their planning processes and resources needs in relation to the College’s mission and ICCs. 


The IPBT will forward recommendations to College Council in support of faculty and their deans’ proposals in the following areas:

  •  Program mix
  •  Program initiation, expansion, consolidation and discontinuance
  •  Hiring of Full-time faculty and staff related to instructional programs
  •  Significant budgetary augmentation or reduction

 Finance Educational Resource Planning and Budget Team

1 for 2-year term 


  •  To develop program review format for departments with the area
  •  To use program reviews for budget requests
  •  To prioritize the budget requests within the area
  •  Coordinates with governance councils when appropriate
  •  To review fund programs which have income from Fund 15 or a grant for analysis.
  •  Communicates with constituencies

Academic Senate of De Anza College

Call for Faculty Representation -- Spring 2011

Student Services Planning and Budget Team

 1 from within student services for a 2-year term (current term expiring, current member may reapply)
 1 from within student services for a 1-year (replacing current member mid-term)
 1 from outside of student services for a 1 year term



As a part of the College’s governance structure, the SSPBT provides leadership and coordination for the development and implementation of Student Services planning and budget processes that support institutional strategic goals and priorities and the College’s Educational Master Plan.


· Facilitate the effective, efficient and timely Student Services program review, annual planning, and budgeting processes.

· Develop a comprehensive annual plan for Student Services with clear goals, outcomes, budget projections, and a year- end review and evaluation process.

· Develop a process for establishing, implementing and communicating the funding priorities and resource allocation consistent with the Student Services, institutional strategic planning goals, and College’s Educational Master Plan.

· Coordinate with the Institutional Research Office to provide quantitative and qualitative data related to Student Services Programs.

· Establish and implement consistent decision-making criteria and evaluation priorities in matters concerning Student Services budget and resources.

· Facilitate collaboration of planning and budget discussions and decisions across other shared governance groups and Planning and Budget Teams.

Instructional Planning and Budget Team

3 for 2-year terms (current terms expiring, faculty member may reapply -- 2 terms are continuing)


The IPBT’s mission is to oversee instructional programs; their planning processes and resources needs in relation to the College’s mission and ICCs. 


The IPBT will forward recommendations to College Council in support of faculty and their deans’ proposals in the following areas:

· Program mix

· Program initiation, expansion, consolidation and discontinuance

· Hiring of Full-time faculty and staff related to instructional programs

· Significant budgetary augmentation or reduction

Finance Educational Resource Planning and Budget Team

1 for 2-year term 


· To develop program review format for departments with the area

· To use program reviews for budget requests

· To prioritize the budget requests within the area

· Coordinates with governance councils when appropriate

· To review fund programs which have income from Fund 15 or a grant for analysis.

· Communicates with constituencies

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