Meeting Notes - November 13, 2015

Approve Notes from October 9, 2015

The notes were approved.

Student Equity Plan Presentation 2015-16
Student Equity Plan Goals & Achievements 2015-16

Lisa Ly (Equity campus researcher) and Rob Mieso (AVP Student Services) presented the Student Equity Plan presentation. Ly explained the over arching premise behind the plan and the goals and activities. The decision to focus on the specific target groups is based on recent data. This data reflects the students who have the highest achievement gaps. The funding is split approx. 60%/40% between De Anza & Foothill.

Harada noted that in the Child Development Center there are a number of student parents who would also benefit from assistance. She requested that data connections be reviewed for these students.

 The Board will review this plan at the December 2015 meeting.

Proposed New Technology Task Force Mission and Membership
Co-chairs Spatafore and Pape shared a presentation reflecting the details of the proposed plan. The Technology Task Force is an advisory committee to College Council. The Technology Task Force members reviewed the current vision, principles, roles and charge and decided that it was time to update the framework of the Task Force. The refined committee would centralize technology for the whole campus. The proposal to change the name to Technology Committee rather than Technology task force reflects the permanent ongoing standing committee. Among other proposals was to replace the vision statement with mission statement and update the membership.
Capital Project Fund 2015-16 (Fund 400)

Cheu provided background and history of the Capital Project Fund for minor routine maintenance of facilities which are not covered through general fund monies or the State. The State provides scheduled maintenance funding for major maintenance but not for minor routine projects which puts pressure on the General Fund.

A couple years ago, De Anza made a choice to set aside monies in the Capital Project Fund to cover facility costs (tree removal, safety repairs, project planning, etc.). Cheu compared income funding ($2.28M) against proposed expenses for a balance totaling $1.6M. Existing projects include Parking Lot E landscaping, Lot F repaving and configuration, PE Bleachers, LCW elevator safety, and A Quad planning. The Campus Facilities Team approved the budget. The remaining balance would be kept for future projects. All future project requests being funded with Capital Project Fund would be reviewed by the Campus Facilities committee.

The team approved the plan.
AUO's - Review of Process/Update on Status

Accreditation requires detailed data-driven requests, purchases and reporting. Over the next few meetings the VP1 areas will be presenting their program reviews. CDC will present in January. Ground & Custodial will present their plans to the committee in February 2016. AUOs- must be finalized by fiscal year end.

B Budget for Finance & College Operations Campuswide

Cheu presented the proposed 2015-16 general fund B budget for the VP area and campuswide using data from the previous 4 years. The goal is to give departments the operational money they need for the department in the beginning of the year instead of asking for augmentation monies as projects arise. 

The team approved the plan.

Accreditation Self Study - Areas of Responsibility
Our current shared governance groups will serve as the self-study teams for their respective areas for the duration of the accreditation self-study process. Cheu will be the chair of Standard III.
Governance e-Handbook Review 

The committee reviewed the information and did not make any changes.

 Present: Cheu, Harada, Jones-Dulin, Harada, Ly, Mieso, Watson. Notes Gibson.

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