Meeting Notes - April 14, 2010

Location: ADM 106
Time: 9:30-10:30 a.m.

1) Approval of Notes from March 12, 2010

The notes were approved.

 Jeanpierre informed the group she was at Sacramento last week.

 2) Accreditation

Jeanpierre reminded the team that they had started the accreditation discussion at the last meeting and her intent was to keep this item on the agenda until the accreditation work is complete.

She stated that she would like to integrate the work on accreditation with the governance groups as much as possible. She had requested Campus Budget assist with the work on the Finance & Human Resources sections, and that Technology Task Force assist with the work on the technology section.

 SAOs are now called Administrative Unit Outcomes (AUOs).

Jeanpierre reminded the group that they had already started work on the AUOs last year. The Educational Resources division had met twice with Barbara Illowski to work on AUOs. Budget & Personnel division will meet with Jim Haynes on Monday April 19, 2010.

 3) Burning issues

Forward planning: Jeanpierre updated the group on future projects including Measure C dollars for technology; the possibility of a districtwide grants office; annual program review updates by the IPBT.

Kahn reported that when he heard that the new chancellor was very interested in educational technology he invited her to their department to become familiar with the staff and services they provide. The group reviewed some of the highlights of the department: OmniUpdate WCMS, streaming technology, Quicktime streaming, searchable captions, iTunes, "Kevin Metcalf’s" server, etc. He was very pleased to report that Linda Thor was enthusiastic about all of these projects and was interested in selecting OmniUpdate as a district wide standard. Kahn also cited Anthony Delaney’s iTunes site and the effectiveness of it as an instructional tool.

Montgomery reported that sales are down approx. 10%. Online sites, competition from publishers, competition from other stores, textbook rentals, fewer classes/sections, fewer OTI/EOPS vouchers; & renewed competition from the store across the street, have all affected sales.

As a part of the Bookstore’s accreditation review, Montgomery researched the Bookstore program reviews from 2001 and was amazed at how much the Bookstore had changed. One of the most note-worthy areas was the comment from Jim Ladd in 2001 that the internet had not effected their sales at all.

Montgomery went on to say that the textbook rental program is into its third year and it has made a big difference to students who stated that they thought the  Bookstore was trying to save them money with this program. The Bookstore needs commitments from the faculty to participate in the rental program but presently less than 20 faculty are signed up. 100% of the present titles are rented out and it’s expected that the future rental program will be more flexible which will increase the program.

In January Apple instigated a new program, which tightened up present requirements and was more demanding. Apple are requiring $1M minimum in annual sales. The new program is also making retailers provide dedicated square footage and is requiring suppliers to provide service support to all computers (including all student computers) sold in the store within a very tight time frame. Apple are demanding 100% compliance before renewing the reselling contract. The Apple rep stated that these are the parameters and there are no exceptions. Furthermore, Apple stated that if FHDA is not able to comply and has to cease selling Apple computers - it’s no big deal. Kahn noted that this is not a reasonable requirement and no colleges provide this service & is therefore an unreasonable mandate. Montgomery is working on a plan, which includes using OTI for servicing and will present the plan and will continue to try and work with Apple to get their approval. In summary the group consensus is that Apple does not seem to want to sell to smaller colleges.

Jeanpierre complimented Montgomery on the quality of the store and the great service provided by the bookstore staff.

Child Development Center
Harada stated her staff are very dedicated and hard working and therefore have been able to continue providing quality child-care despite the budget cuts.

Harada would like to use technology to become more of a part of the College. The CDC are also considering a community garden.

Jeanpierre complimented Harada on the quality of childcare and the dedication of the CDC staff especially in light of such severe budget cuts.

Jenkins reported that there would be no printed schedule in Fall; they are working on accreditation; Bonnet Saussol will be at De Anza until December 2010.

Classified Senate
Jenkins reported that the De Anza classified senate was recognized as a model classified senate for the state by the California Community Colleges classified senate organization. The senate would be officially recognized at the annual conference at Granlibakken Conference Center in June.

Budget & Personnel
Michaelis reported that the Cashiering supervisor, Nancy Chao, was promoted to payroll supervisor last month and they are working on filling her old position. Many staff are still working on banner. The cashiering section will be live on May 22nd for students to pay for classes etc. HR banner are troubleshooting some problems. 2010-11 budgets are going out this week. NSF (Not sufficient funds) will only be turned on next year.

Gerard noted that despite some initial challenges, in the long term banner will be a great tool, but patience is needed in the interim to overcome teething problems. There are approx. 108 budgeters on campus who seek assistance from the budget analyst (Teri Gerard).

Present: Gerard, Harada, Jeanpierre, Jenkins, Kahn, Michaelis, Montgomery. Notes: Gibson

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