Joint CBT & TTF Meeting Notes - February 28, 2012
Approval of Notes from January 24, 2012
The notes were approved
Jeanpierre displayed the budget town hall PowerPoint presentation that Vice Chancellor, Kevin McElroy presented to the college on Monday February 27, 2012. She drew special attention to slide 10 and explained the numbers. She reminded the team that the numbers are constantly changing and the budget work will be ongoing.
Measure C FF&E Status Update
Jeanpierre shared a handout with the summary of the campus requests. She asked the team to focus on line item 701 which is mainly for new equipment. 711 items are for refresh primary computers. 712 & 715 are printers and low-tech AV. 713&714 are refresh and new multi-media. “Other” are items that do not fit into standard Measure C funding sources. These items will require additional evaluation. 10% overhead and contingency will cover the additional expenses needed for additional support, installations, ETS requirements, staffing etc.
The timeline will need to be adjusted.
Campus wide FF&E requests are also included. Faculty offices, emergency preparedness, installment payment system and marketplace site to resolve cash handling audit items. Office furniture and renovations would not be prioritized through this process.
Jeanpierre suggested the team start to review the requests.
AS ICCE – refresh or not
AS Stf Dev – none
BHES – more review needed
BUS/CS – enrollment moving forward. Demand of desktops moving forward, third of the lab is for
CAOS. How many students bring their own laptops? Virtualized desktops / limited cost saving / more flexible ease of maintenance updates / space on campus is limited more flexibility needed with classrooms so various depts can share workspaces / labs.
CA – lab refresh needs to be reviewed .more explanation of production equipment needed. Not enough money to keep doing refresh on multimedia equipment. ETS supports some of the equipment and software but not all.
IIS – don’t classrooms have lecterns? ETS would not usually support the external hard drives. Faculty Like to bring Sneaker wire. MLC may have two language classrooms.
PSME – netbooks are inexpensive and easy to handle. PSME supports not ETS. Instructional equipment money used to be allocated to divisions.
The following will be reviewed at next meeting:
Present: Bloom Chow Jeanpierre Jenkins Metcalf Mieso Patlan Qian Sherman Shannakian DASB. Notes: Gibson