IPBT Notes - October 11, 2011 - 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Christina Espinosa-Pieb Chair

Coleen Lee-Wheat Co-Chair

Present: Administrative Reps G. Anderson, C. Espinosa-Pieb, E. Norte, R. Schroeder, R. Tomaneng, T. Ray. Classified Reps: A. Qian, G. Knittel Faculty Reps: R. Bryant, M. Cruz, C. Lee-Wheat, C. Muzzi, B. Roberts, K. Singh, R. Stockwell

Student Reps: Kenneth Perng

Visitors: A. Caballero de Cordero, K. Chow, S. Cook, C. Lee-Klawender, Letha Jeanpierre, Faith Milonas, Cheryl Woodward

I. Approval of Notes:

 The notes of October 4, 2011 were approved.

II. CPC (College Planning Committee) faculty representative and approval:

C. Lee-Wheat distributed the document, “College Planning Committee” (subcommittee for the College Council) and requested members select one faculty member or one Academic Senate officer to serve on the CPC committee. Recommendations can be submitted to the Academic Senate. R. Stockwell volunteered to serve on the CPC for remainder of his IPBT term (2 years).

K. Chow volunteered to serve at the first CPC meeting on Wednesday, October 19, 2011 from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon because of R. Stockwell’s scheduling conflict.

III. Outcomes for this quarter, timeline:

C. Espinosa presented the document titled “IPBT Timeline for Fall Quarter 2012”; reviewed the calendar and explained the work plan for IPBT members. This document will be posted on the IPBT website.

IV. Program viability and improvement:

C. Espinosa-Pieb described the budget reduction for the Instructional Area for 2011-2012. She explained the concepts of rebuilding the budget using the Spring 2011 budget reduction plans as a base, to meet the fiscal targets for 2012-2013 year. IPBT teams were created in order to restudy the Spring 2011 plans and make suggestions. C. Espinosa-Pieb pointed out that it is unnecessary to recommend reductions evenly across all division programs; it could be from only one specific program or one area. The question arose: “When we will know the final percentages of budget reduction?” L. Jeanpierre remarked, it depends on Sacramento -- by June, 2012 we should know. However, base on the most recent numbers form the State the current budget projections for 2012 - 2013, are the worst-case scenarios. For more information and data C. Espinosa-Pieb recommended going to the IPBT website.

C. Lee-Wheat distributed a handout “IPBT Program Review Assessment Teams” and asked any non-assigned member volunteer to join a group(s). Following she presented a chart called “DA Program Viability Process”. The chart was discussed and members agreed to rename the form “Advisory Group”.

The proposed Advisory Group membership:

  • Appropriate VP
  • Dean of Division
  • 2 full-time faculty from the discipline or 1 Department /division representative and 1 discipline faculty member
  • Academic senate faculty member
  • Classified senate member
  • FA representative

This discussion will continue at the next IPBT meeting, October 18, 2011

V. Hiring Criteria:

C. Espinosa Pieb presented “Faculty Ranking List” to the members. She will work with M. Newell and O. Evert on the data sheets for faculty hiring for 2012-2013. The data will be presented at the next IPBT meeting (October 18, 2011)

VI. Group gathers for discussions: Not addressed at this meeting.

VII. Good of the order: If you have any questions or concerns please email to C. Espinosa-Pieb or C. Lee-Wheat.

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