Meeting Notes - March 20, 2018

Administrative Reps: Fayek, Kandula, Lee-Wheat, Ranck, Ray

Classified Reps: Bdzil, Gerardo, Lorna Maynard

Faculty Reps: Khanna, Leonard, Nguyen, Pape, Woodbury

Absent: Espinosa-Pieb, Rick Maynard

Guests: Mary Kay Englen, Dana Kennedy, Lisa Markus, Mallory Newell, Dawn Lee Tu

Approval of Notes – The notes from March 13, 2018 were approved.

Converging Priorities Overview and Basic Skills Mapping based on AB 705

Newell presented De Anza Converging Priorities 2017-2018 document, which the College Planning committee put together as a guiding document for strategic planning for this year.

Lee-Wheat presented a projected visual on Basic Skills Proposal. She also explained the concept of AB 705 which requires community college students to complete transfer level Math and English within 1 year; and ESL courses within 3 years. The law impacts transfer level courses. The FTEF was identified for these classes. College is in the exploratory stage and doesn’t have a clear plan yet. The project is piloting in Fall 2018 and will be implemented in Fall 2019.

De Anza Converging Priorities 2017-2018 and Basic Skills Proposal will be presented to College counsel for approval on March 22, 2018.

Ranck distributed a handout with the State of the Valley highlights.

Working in teams to discuss programs –

Before the groups started working, Ranck asked the members to carefully research and analyze given information such as data, group work/research, Matrices/Responses workbook, Friday all day discovery meeting, and any notes to rank vacant faculty position for reduction recommendation and list any programs that need further evaluation in spring quarter.

Ranck will send a ranking sheet and program list with instructions shortly.

Deadline for submission is - Monday, March 26th at 5:00 pm

Groups gathered to discuss the programs data.

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