Meeting Notes - June 14, 2016

Christina Espinosa-Pieb – Chair

Randy Bryant – Chair


Administrative Reps Espinosa-Pieb, Fayek, Kandula, Lee-Wheat, Norte

Classified Reps: Lorna Maynard

Faculty Reps:Alves de Lima, Bram, Bryant, Markus, Rick Maynard

Absent: Martinez, Pacheco, Tomaneng

Visitors Dawnis Guevara, Mallory Newell, Mary Pape

Approval of Notes -

The July 7, 2016 notes were approved.

Completion of Accreditation Matrix–

The goal of today’s meeting was to finish first draft of Accreditation Matrix -Standard II. A.

IPBT members broke in small groups and engaged in completing the document.

Newell assisted members with the questions and technical problems. She reminded everyone to refer to Napa College and see what they captured in their responses.

The team will return to the Accreditation matrix to fine-tune the document at the first IPBT meeting in fall.

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