Measure C Prioritization Process in 2010-2011


Updated June 2010

Measure C Replacement and FF&E Requests (2006-2010 funding)

  1. Divisions and departments will prepare a report for the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee explaining how Measure C Funds (2006-2010) have been spent and how they have benefited the programs and the students.
  2. Divisions and departments will prepare a report for the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee about how unspent balances from 2006-2010 allocations will be used.
  3. Divisions and departments may request additional funding using the procedures outlined for the 2010-2015 funding.

Measure C Replacement and FF&E Requests (2010-2015 funding)

  1. Divisions and departments shall make requests for replacement equipment (existing labs, faculty and staff computers) on a five-year rotating basis. Deans and managers will submit requests directly to their vice president (or designee) to be forwarded to the Campus Technology Prioritization Committee.
  2. Divisions and departments will make their prioritized requests for Phase II FF&E funding in accordance with the institutional mission, and their program planning and review documents. Deans and managers will submit requests to their VP. VP will take to PBT.
  3. PBTs will prioritize new technology requests and forward to Campus Budget and Technology Task Force for review.
  4. Technology Task Force will make a prioritized institutional level recommendation to College Council.
  5. College Council will make recommendation to the President.
  6. Senior Staff will review and give input to President.
  7. The Vice President of Finance and Educational Resources will carry the College recommendations to the Bond Oversight Committee for approval, when required.
  8. The projects that require ETS support will be forwarded to ETS via the Process for Requesting/Prioritizing New Technology Projects


Notify Deans, Academic Senate and Classified Senate of process to provide ergonomic update of staff and faculty furniture.

Process For Ergonomic Update of Staff and Faculty Furniture:

  1. Educational Resources in conjunction with the Ergonomics Committee will develop a list of criteria to prioritize the order in which furniture will be purchased and distributed. One of the criteria for the first round of purchases will be to provide new furniture for any staff or faculty who have the old “prison industry” desk and furniture.
  2. Educational Resources will review and update office standards developed for faculty offices in 2002 to make sure they still address office needs of faculty.
  3. Staff and faculty must attend an Ergonomic Workshop.
  4. Staff and faculty will be provided with an ergonomic self-evaluation at an Ergonomics Workshop. The self-evaluation is to be completed and submitted to Educational Resources along with a furniture/equipment request form.
  5. Educational Resources will review the self-evaluations and request forms and separate staff/faculty that need completely new office or workspace furniture from staff/faculty who need changes or additional furniture to make their workspace ergonomically correct. Staff from Educational Resources and a space planner will work with staff/faculty who need completely new furniture to confirm their furniture requirements and make recommendations.
  6. The Ergonomics Committee will review the self-evaluations of staff/faculty who have requested enhancements or changes to their workspaces to make them ergonomically correct and make recommendations. The Ergonomics Committee will only conduct a workspace assessment for staff/faculty who have attended the Basic Ergonomics workshop, performed the self-evaluation, and still need additional assistance in making their workspace ergonomically correct.
  7. Educational Resources will compile all of the recommendations and work with Purchasing to identify vendors either through existing contracts or a RFP to provide furniture and other ergonomic enhancements.

Measure C_Prioritization_Processes_ClgeCnclApproved6_10_10.doc

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