December 4, 2014 Agenda
Location: MCC Conference Room
Time: 1:30-3 p.m.
Time | Agenda Topic | Purpose | Discussion Leader |
Outcome |
1:30-1:35 p.m. | Approval of notes from Nov. 6, 2014 | A | All | Approval of minutes |
1:35-1:50 p.m. |
Network update/Wireless upgrade/New phone system
I/D | Luciw | Information Sharing/Discussion |
1:50-2:05 p.m. | TETL subcommittee report | I | Ranck | Information Sharing |
2:05-2:20 p.m. | OEI update | I | Moreau | Information Sharing |
2:20-2:35 p.m. | Technology planning | I | Moreau | Information Sharing |
2:35-2:55 p.m. | Committee mission review | D | All | Discussion |
A = Action D = Discussion I = Information