3rd Draft of Strategic Technology Plan - Oct. 7, 2010

Hello fellow Technology Task Force members!

As we agreed on last Spring, the TTF continued to meet throughout the Summer and worked to update the Strategic Technology Plan (STP). As you all know, this was not a rewrite of the plan, but simply an update for prioritization as well as "current" and "future" actions. The highlighting shows where the group made an update. Since the group has not heard anything to the contrary from the Student Services are, we have accepted the 3rd Draft of Strategic Technology Plan as acceptable to them. In order to ensure the Accreditation self-study teams have sufficient access to this document, it is imperative that we are able to approve the final draft at the next Technology Task Force so that the document can be approved by College Council.
To ensure we meet these deadlines, it is IMPERATIVE that you all read through the plan and send me any issues you feel should be brought up at the next Technology Task Force meeting on October 20th. We WILL NOT have time to read through the entire document in that meeting, so if you do not get your updates to me by the 15th (AT THE LATEST!), the document may go to College Council containing verbiage with which you are not entirely comfortable.

Click here to download the 3rd Draft of Strategic Technology Plan.

Thank you all for your hard work to ensure this process was successful!

Kevin Metcalf

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