Measure C Phase II FF&E Requests 2011-14 - Oct. 2011
A Very Important Message About Measure C Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment Requests
- Phase II
To all Deans and Managers,
After reviewing an analysis of Phase I Measure C FF&E funding as provided by our Measure C accountant, Tonette Torres, it has been determined that we have exhausted our Phase I dollars. Purchases being made since the beginning of this fiscal year (July 1, 2011) have been coming from Phase II dollars.
The reason for the shortfall is the amounts initially allocated to the divisions were greater than the amounts received from the proceeds of the Measure C bond issue.
Most divisions received a budget based on the equipment they requested. These allocations amounting to $9,875,270 were given out, but only $7,378, 537 was received from the bond sale to cover these allocations. This gap was never adjusted.
In addition to this shortfall, district-wide overhead allocations and college-wide expenditure such as classroom furniture and faculty office furniture (which were not initially provided for in the budget, but became a priority for the College and the District) increased the shortfall.
This leaves us with a $3.5 million gap between what we allocated six years ago and what we had available to spend from the bond proceeds.
After a careful review and discussion at Senior Staff on Monday September 19, 2011, we decided that the remaining Phase II dollars for new equipment should be allocated based on the process outlined and approved by College Council on June 10, 2010 for requests of Phase II FF&E dollars.
As Phase I lists are at least six years old, each division will now be required to make new requests and affirm/reaffirm their needs based on the College mission and their division's program reviews.
How To Make New Measure C Phase II FF&E Requests:
Please refer to the guidelines on what you can purchase with Phase II FF&E Funds
Once you have read the guidelines, please use the following electronic forms to submit you division's requests.
1) Narrative of request. Word document. Please complete one of these request forms for each request being made. Complete every section. Save your changes and email to Print a hard copy and put them in Letha Jeanpierre's mail box.
2) Dollar breakdown of request. Excel spreadsheet. Must accompany the narrative request form/s. List all of your division's requests on one spreadsheet. Save your changes and email to Print a hard copy and put it in Letha Jeanpierre's mail box.
3) Also, print a hardcopy of ALL documents and put them in your VP's mailbox. Your VP will collect the requests and take them to your PBT meeting for prioritizing.
Every narrative request form and accompanying excel spreadsheet will be posted to this web site for interested parties view.
The deadline for submissions is December 1, 2011.
The requests will be prioritized and allocations will be made in February 2012.
We are sorry for this inconvenience. If you have further questions please contact myself or Rowena.
Letha L. Jeanpierre, MBA, CPA
Vice President, Finance & Educational Resources