Meeting Notes - October 8, 2008
1) Welcome & Introductions
The members introduced themselves.
2) Luminus Overview
Hawk explained that Luminus is the portal for the SunGuard Banner EIS software which
would fully integrate the district's HR, FR & SI systems. The organizational (content)
team for Luminus is chaired by Jeanine Hawk with participation from Marisa Spatafore,
Kurt Hueg, Julie Ceballos, Bradley Creamer, Carleen Bruins and Lee Collins. Drake
Lewis chairs the technical team of Luminus.
The section leaders for the functional groups are:- Student - Kathleen Moberg; Financial
- Hector Quinonez; HR - Kim Chief Elk.
Determining the information and look/feel of Luminus is a large project comprising
of several parts. There should be a collaborative, open process for De Anza to participate.
Input is requested from as many faculty, staff and students as possible. The goal
is to find out what is important to the various users.
The Luminus structure is a tab-based system, which has yet to be defined but might
be as simple as "Classified", "Faculty", "Students", etc. SunGuard calls tabs "roles".
On the tab pages various portlets are added to give functionality. SunGuard calls
portlets "channels". Banner provides some 'out of the box' portlets, but FHDA will
want to develop additional ones for greater functionality.
Luminus could look different for De Anza College, Foothill College & the district.
The district is currently advocating for one 'look' for all entities.
Hawk asked the team for guidance on determining a process by which to carry forward recommendations. Decisions
have to be made by January 2009.
The first part of the Luminus project Hawk requested input on was email and calendaring.
She strongly recommended an integrated email and calendaring system. Banner has a
built-in calendaring system, which may work for students but was probably not robust
or integrated enough for faculty and staff. It was more likely a third party calendaring
system would be selected for employees. The discussion that ensued included the following
- Research what other schools are using
- Must be cross platform
- Should synch with PDA devices
- Should be integrated
- Should be progressive w/updates
- Shouldn't be virus prone
- Pros/cons web based vs. desktop (POP)
The team discussed various scenarios for input & feedback and decided:
- The preliminary work on the tabs is best performed by the functional groups and then brought to Technology Task Force for input.
- The preliminary work on the functionality and features for email and calendaring is best performed by Technology Task Force and then taken to the governance groups for input.
Hawk requested that the Technology Task Force reps from the classified staff attend
3) Wireless
Luciw displayed an updated spreadsheet on the wireless deployment. Hawk reported that
phase I remains as priority one.
Hawk & Luciw asked that the list be shared with the departments and that updates be
brought back to Technology Task Force for a prioritization discussion.
Luciw outlined the wireless log-on criteria.
Both documents are posted on the web site.
Present: Ceballos, Cheung (DASB), L. Chin, Dolen, Elvin, Hansen, Hawk, Kahn, Grobman,
Luciw, Mitchell, Spatafore.
Note taker: Pippa Gibson.