Meeting Notes - May 19, 2010
1) Approval of Notes April 21, 2010
2) SurveyMonkey Demonstrations
The library, staff development and paralegal/administration of justice program demonstrated the various uses SurveyMonkey.
The following comments/observations/questions were made during the discussion:- Cost of license fee is $300 per year or $19 per month.
- The College should investigate a collegewide license fee
- Reports can be downloaded to excel
- Intuitive site
- Easy to use and design questions
- Institutional Research is available to assist with scripting questions
- Concern that too many surveys being pushed out might result in a fatigue factor
- Survey's should be a coordinated campuswide effort
- Institutional Research is sending out an accreditation survey in fall
- Information is stored on SurveyMonkey server or can be brought onto a campus server
- Question on state laws/FERPA
- An encrypted service is available
- Surveys are open to anyone who wishes to complete it
- Can it be a closed system - yes it has been used by catalyst classes
- IP addresses are tracked
- Surveys can be password protected
- There are a wide range of surveys being performed
- Can be used for gathering data for directories etc.
3) Burning Issues
ETS Networks and Client Services Reorganization
Luciw distributed three handouts Networks and Client Services team responsibilities summary; Networks and Client Services Organizations Change July 1, 2010 & Networks and Client Services Organization July 1, 2010.
The proposal did not go through ETAC or the governance process . Luciw stated she has no choice but to reorganize the Network and Client Services due to the budget cuts. She wished to create a more efficient way of providing similar service levels while addressing the budget cuts for her department. Many of the staff have been moved over to the Measure C funding source. Employee office locations will not change substantially. The reorganizational proposal is on trial for one year at which time it can be reviewed and improved. There was concern from the members on the level of service that faculty would receive in the Luciw invited the group to email her with observations/recommendations for improvements.
Technology Plan
Mowrey distributed a handout that listed the main points of the tech plans preliminary goals, current actions to meet goals and future actions needed to meet goals. Mowrey asked the group how they should approach working on answering the points. McFarland will set up a Google site so the team can work on updating the plan collaboratively.
TTF will meet through the summer and keep working on the plan even although the faculty may not be available. The draft final plan will be made available to the whole group via email and posted to the TTF website for feedback. It will be brought for final review to the first meeting of the fall quarter 2010.
Apologies: Jeanpierre. Present: Dolen, Englen, Kahn, Luciw, Metcalf, Mcfarland, Mowrey, Shanakian. Notes: Gibson