Meeting Notes - June 07, 2012
1) Approve Notes from May 3, 2012
The notes were approved.
Sharon Luciw:- Super uses – pending migration 6/8/12.
- ETS – migrated already.
- Exchange user guides
- Videos
- Right click.
- Convert key beta testers first
- ETS users – 2 problems out of 68
- Super users will be converted second
- Single sign on – through banner
- Light version – simplified version. not same functionally
- Use Safari or IE
- Department/ Division – Searchable directory
Faculty – June 30th Conversion
- Mac safari
- OWA Chrome – no
- Crosswalk – on ETS website.
July 9th
- MMK will no longer work
- Desktop migration prioritizations: Administrators; Admin Assistants; 1st in.
3) ISP's Tech Prioritization Items
- CCC Apply does not have all the features ISP would like.
- CCC Apply may be able customize the service
4) Quick News
The team said a fond farewell Fred Sherman and thanked him for his service to the district and on the committee.
Present: Marilyn Cheung, Angela Cabellaro de Cordero; Dolen; Ferrick; Cecelia Hui; Kahn; Metcalf; Joseph Ng, Sherman; Notes: Gibson.
Apologies: Lily