Meeting Notes - June 16, 2010
1) Approval of Notes from May 19, 2010
The notes were approved.
2) De Anza Technology Plan Review
Metcalf lead the team through a review of the TTF Vision document in order to reaffirmed the purpose of the committee and to ensure the vision is aligned with 2010-2015 Ed. Master Plan & De Anza College mission.
3) Measure C Prioritization Process FY 10-11 Approval
Jeanpierre passed out a half-sheet handout that reflected the latest report for the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee quarterly meeting. She updated the team on the dollars spent. The money is for a 15 year period. There is currently $5M in unspent dollars. The Citizens Bond Oversight Committee is asking the colleges to account for what they have spent and what remains unspent. The Citizens Bond Oversight Committee also require a college spending plan for future disbursements. De Anza needs to show the campus has gone through a thoughtful process. Jeanpierre noted that this was an opportunity for divisions to go back to review and update their plans. The original plans were done approximately 5 years ago.
All existing equipment is on a five-year replacement plan. If divisions wish to change their requests they must show a thoughtful plan that reflects the goals of the division.
Jeanpierre will provide a report of how existing resources have been used. Divisions will produce updated plans for unused balances. Divisions can request additional monies in accordance with existing guidelines.
All of the classrooms will be remodeled into smart classrooms using Measure C dollars. The current process is that the Deans bring requests to the prioritization meeting.
This proposal was approved by College Council on June 10, 2010.
4) Burning Issues
None were reported.
Present: Englen, Jeanpierre, Kahn, Metcalf, Mowrey