Meeting Notes - October 21, 2009
1) Welcome & Introductions
Those present introduced themselves to the group. Most were past
members with the exception of two new student members Omar Ali and
Khalid Ali and the incoming co-chair Wayne Chenoweth. Those present
and the groups they represent included:
Wayne Chenoweth, Co-Chair
Tom Dolen, faculty
Omar Ali, student
Khalid Ali, student
Dennis Shannakian, classified
Kevin Metcalf, classified
Cheryl Owiesney, faculty
Bradley Creamer, classified
Mary Kay Englen, classified
Fred Sherman, district management
Jerry Rosenberg, management
Chenoweth began the discussion by reviewing the groups history and charge as written on the Tech Task Force Web site. The Tech Plan document was briefly reviewed and some discussion about updating the document ensued. Sherman noted the need for the De Anza Tech Plan to coordinate with the District Strategic and Technolgy Plans. Other comments included possible directions for revising the document such as providing more specfics and accountability for the goals already listed and relating the Tech Plan revision to up and coming accreditation process. Chenoweth assigned the members the task of reading the Tech Plan and the Accreditation self study so they might come to the next meeting with specific recommendations for the plan. Members should also come prepared to discuss goals for the committee for this year.
3) Meeting Schedule (Bring your calendars)
Co-Chair Letha Jeanpierre will not be attending meetings this quarter,
but should return by the Winter quarter. Chenoweth will meet with her
prior to the group meetings to communicate her input as needed. Given
the already late start in the quarter, the members felt the need to get
started on issues raised in this meeting. The members agreed to meet
twice next month for an hour each on the first and third Wednesdays of
November. Next month's meetings will be November 4th and 18th at
2:30-3:30 pm.
4) EIS Update
Luciw updated the group via email for her area of IT:
For Wireless: S1, S4, Science Center buildings, ADMIN classrooms wireless installation
is complete.
The TV Center now has wireless in the studios because the space is being used for
Banner Training and this was the only way to have the necessary multiple network connections.
Based on Group A Prioritization for De Anza Wireless roll out, the rest of SQuad,
Planetarium, A Quad, LQuad are next. The exact order is undetermined - I am waiting
for a schedule from Lisa Hocevar. LQuad will need pathways and cabling installed since
the pathways and cabling were not installed during the renovation. So more than likely
we will be installing wireless in those areas where the infrastructure is in place
at the same time we plan out the pathway and cabling installation required to get
LQuad wireless.
We have completed the detailed network design and are developing the specifications
to go out to bid to replace 200+ network devices throughout the District.
We are on track to install Multimedia this Nov/Dec for the AutoTech renovation project.
Hope this helps.
5) Burning Issues
Chenoweth discussed the need for broader representation on both the Tech Task Force
and the district Educational Technology Advisory Comittee (ETAC). ETAC especially
needs some De Anza faculty representation. Chenoweth will present the faculty need
to the Academic Senate and classified members will try to solicit members from their
There was some discussion on the longstanding issue of student email accounts with
the added point that some software discounts are tied to an .edu email address. The
issue was tabled for another time.