Student Characteristics
High School Data Sheets, 2014-15 | 10/08/15 |
Device Ownership Infographic | 01/20/15 |
First Generation Status | 01/28/15 |
An Exploration of Students who Started in the Lowest Level Basic Skills Course | 07/02/15 |
De Anza Open Doors Winter 2015 | 01/21/15 |
Foothill Open Doors Winter 2015 | 01/21/15 |
International Student Report - Fall 2014 | 10/09/14 |
Voting Rates Infographic 2012 | 03/26/14 |
Fall to Fall Persistence (Graph) | 10/09/12 |
Fall to Winter Persistence (Graph) | 10/09/12 |
Headcount by Ethnicity (Graph) | 10/09/12 |
Declared Primary Majors | 03/18/13 |
Foundation Supported Scholarships -- 2012-13 | 06/11/14 |
Financial Aid Comparisons, Winter 2013 | 02/25/13 |
Financial Aid Report, Spring 2013 | 05/28/13 |
FHDA International Students, 2010-2012 | 07/25/12 |
International Student Enrollment, Spring 2010,11, & 12 | 07/30/12 |
International Students- Open Doors Report, Winter 2013 | 01/23/13 |
International Student, by COUN100 Enrollment | 06/05/13 |