A Message from the Dean
The MPS program has been extraordinarily successful in allowing students who have previously struggled with math courses to successfully complete those courses.
The completion, pass rate, and grades received by MPS students for the past three years have surpassed (by 20 to 50% depending on the class) rates achieved by similar students in traditional sections. The MPS sections are identical in content (and are considered identical to) the traditional courses.
However, a special effort is made to provide extra counseling, tutoring, and instructor assistance as part of the class. The MPS program has won a prestigious Hewlett Foundation Award for its innovative and successful instructional approach.
There is no magic to the MPS program. The classes require a serious commitment on the part of students; the class meets for two hours each day so that the student can receive additional attention from the instructor and instructional assistants, and attendance is a required part of the class.
Students can also enroll in an entire math sequence and hence can benefit from belonging to a continuing community of students, instructors, tutors, and counselors.
We highly recommend that you respond immediately, since the available sections will fill very quickly.
We hope you will consider this special opportunity, and we look forward to seeing you succeed in your mathematics class.
Jerry Rosenberg, Dean
Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Engineering
De Anza College