Meeting Notes - May 4, 2010


Christina Espinosa-Pieb

Cynthia Lee-Klawender

Present: Anderson, Bradshaw, Bryant, Cadge-Moore, Cook, Espinosa-Pieb, Hearn, Irvin, Knittel, Kubo, Lee-Klawender, Mowrey, Schroeder, Singh, Tomaneng, Ghamrawi

Visitors: Bradley Creamer, Mary Kay Englen, Fran Frazer, Rich Hansen, Colleen Lee-Wheat, Cheryl Woodward

I. Approval of Agenda Notes: Notes of April 27, 2010 were approved as written, and the Agenda for May 4, 2010 was approved.

II. Program Review Process: C. Lee-Klawender distributed a draft “process document” titled, DAC Annual Update Form, for review. The form is being considered as an informational document to assist in completing the Program Review Annual Updates. Minor corrections were made, and the team voted and approved using the form letter--with appropriate “wordsmithing” added. The letter along with the template titled, Annual Program Review Update Form—Spring 2010, will be sent to the division deans for distribution to their departments and programs on May 6, 2010—completion date targeted for June 4, 2010.

There was discussion on the actual process—who completes the form, the timelines involved, criteria for ranking, and the team’s responsibility for reading the “updates.” 

C. Espinosa-Pieb stated that by collecting the program review updates now, it will enable the team to be “one step ahead” of what might be needed to work on in fall--as a result of the May Revise, or other budget cuts. She continued by explaining that last year’s data along with the most recent data—merging those documents--will be incorporated in the program review update.

III. Released/Reassigned Time: C. Espinosa-Pieb reported that we cannot reduce three FTE in release time. She informed the group that she had made a recommendation in Senior Staff to use some of the “one-time money” to back-fill the $200,000 in release time that the deans were suppose to cut—resulting that in 2010-11, the release time would remain the same, and there would be no increases in release time.

IV. Other:

It was noted that De Anza did a good job on enrollment management during this past year, and enrollments will be “status quo” for the next year—no one is going to grow.

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