Meeting Notes - April 18, 2017

Christina Espinosa-Pieb – Chair


Administrative Reps Bryant, Espinosa-Pieb, Kandula, Lee-Wheat, Ranck, Ray

Classified Reps: Martinez, Lorna Maynard

Faculty Reps: Leonard, Markus, Rick Maynard, Woodbury (replacing Diana Alves de Lima)

Student Reps:

Absent: Nguyen, Khanna, Trosper, Coriena Andy, Arya Suprora

Visitors: Mary Pape

Notes ApprovalThe notes from March 21, 2017 were approved.

Instructional Equipment Recap -

Espinosa-Pieb presented, Instructional Equipment 2016 - 2017, finalized list. She explained the delay of releasing the document was due to finalizing the budget particulars and getting the funds allocated to the departments. Espinosa-Pieb advocated for having someone from the budget office attend the IPBT meetings to learn and follow the IPBT’s process during the next allocation cycle.

Espinosa-Pieb, Coleen Lee-Wheat (PE dean) and Susan Cheu (VP of Finance) will be working on a guide sheet for deans that clearly define items’ eligibility and provide some concrete examples.

In Fall 2017, IPBT will be working on distributing the following funds: Instructional Equipment, Lottery and Strong Workforce for 2017- 2018. Plus, Faculty Hiring 2018 – 2019 will be on an agenda.

Instructional Equipment Request from Auto Tech –

A request came from Auto Tech department to allocate an additional $55, 200 for the engineering costs for installation of an in-ground lift in the shop that previously was approved from Strong Workforce fund ($51, 000 the installation is included).

After a discussion about all options, pros and cons, the members unanimously approved funding the engineering cost of $55, 200 using Strong Workforce balance of this year (with no effect to other programs) and possibly an advance on next year’s money.

Program Review –

Espinosa-Pieb notified the team that district is facing $10M - $12M structural deficit next fiscal year (2017-18). Historically, De Anza’s share is approx. 50% which is approx. $6M (This is about 55 classified/ managers positions)

There was a lengthy discussion about enrollment issues. 

Espinosa-Pieb stressed that we really need to focus the enrollment management; it would be a part of Program Review. She suggested that some changes/shifts need to be made in order to stop losing enrollment, look what we’re doing and how and all it needs to be played out into Program Reviews.

IPBT will be provided with enrollment data, program data, who gets certificates and how many, what we are offering, etc.

All programs need to go through a process.

The Program Review starts next week, April 25, 2017 -

  • Bring College Catalog for everyone (look at the number of elective classes we’re offering and better scheduling for these courses)
  • Invite Mallory Newell to present a data on student enrollment survey
  • Are there any small programs that do not do a program review? An example: World languages; Creative Art programs & etc.
  • Pape will send a list with all programs to Christina Espinosa-Pieb.
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