February 23, 2012 Meeting Notes
Admin Conference Room #109
3:00 – 5:00 pm

 College Mission Statement

 De Anza College provides an academically rich, multicultural learning environment that challenges students of every background to develop their intellect, character and abilities; to realize their goals; and to be socially responsible leaders in their communities, the nation and the world.

 De Anza College fulfills its mission by engaging students in creative work that demonstrates the knowledge, skills and attitudes contained within the college's Institutional Core Competencies: •Communication and expression •Information literacy •Physical/mental wellness and personal responsibility •Global, cultural, social and environmental awareness •Critical thinking

Members:  S. Agrawal, C. Castillo, K. Chow, S. Cook, G. Durham, C. Espinosa-Pieb, K. Glapion, R. Hansen, T. Hunter, L. Jeanpierre, L. Jenkins, R. Kazempour, A. Khanna, C. Lee-Wheat, V. Marquez, F. Milonas, K. Moberg, B. Monary, B. Murphy, V. Neal, M. Newell, E. Norte, S. Ramos, A. Ravichandran, R. Schroeder, M. Spatafore, R. Tomaneng
Guests: A. LaManqueW. Lee, A. Simes

I. Approval of Minutes of February 9, 2012

The minutes of February 9 were approved with a minor change to the $31 unit fee increase beginning in Spring.

II. Accreditation Institute Updates

Lee-Wheat and Spatafore shared updates from the February 10 Accreditation Institute meeting. Discussion followed about of the definition of proficiency, which will be forthcoming in March, along with our report. The conference provided some innovative ideas for consideration. We will be required to show program review links to resource allocation; one college reviews their total budget and allocates a portion to planning. One possibility would be to allocate a portion of the annual augmentation budget, which college council would need to approve.

Lee-Wheat will develop a task force/informal working group and will bring proposals back to a future meeting. A. Khanna wishes to participate in this group.

Recommendation #2: The College Planning Committee has been given the task of evaluating the 6-year planning cycle for its effectiveness in improving programs, services, and student learning, as well as assessing the model for the 6-year planning cycle.

III. Budget Update

Jeanpierre distributed a preliminary scenarios summary to be presented at the Budget Town Hall, February 27. The district is facing an $18M deficit for 2012-13, with De Anza’s portion of $9M. The PBTs submitted budget reduction scenarios in the amount of $4.3M, which means an additional reduction of about $4.5M.

There are 3 ways of balancing the budget: workforce reduction, reduced FTEF, and working with the bargaining units.

The district is moving toward CalPERS as it’s medical insurance provider. FA has unanimously approved the package; ratification is scheduled for March 6 and 7, while Informational meetings are scheduled February 29 at Foothill and March 1 at De Anza.

Measure C, FF&E Updates will be reviewed by senior staff on February 27. The funds are underspent in the desktop area while being overspent in technology. We are requesting movement of funds to accommodate the ATC renovation and new furnishings.

IV. Quick News, Burning Issues

. Student Success Task Force Recommendations Implementation Update: K. Chow

Two legislative bills have recently been introduced: 1) Senate Bill 1456 (sponsored by Alan Lowenthal), or Student Success Act of 2012. It focuses on matriculation, renaming those services as “Student Success services” and it also imposes new limits on eligibility for BOG fee waivers, which include identifying a educational goal as well as maintaining academic and progress standards that would be established by the Board of Governors. 2) Senate Bill 1062 (sponsored by Carol Liu), which enables the state Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCO) to make Title 5 changes without state Dept. of Finance approval and also allows the BOG to appoint persons without civil service status as vice chancellors and assistant vice chancellors.

In addition, the CCCO has also identified non-legislative implementations for these recommendations: 1) recommendation 1.1: jointly develop new common standards for college and career readiness with K-12. Expected timeline of implementation is 2014-2015. 2) recommendation 7.3: develop a scorecard format for CCC’s to publicly report student success data. Expected implementation by March 2013. Workgroups are being formed for these non-legislative implementations, and faculty who are interested in serving should contact Karen Chow, AS President. 

No concrete sources of funding have been identified for these legislative and non-legislative implementations, and the CCCO Consultation Council rejected a proposal from faculty groups to form a task force to do cost analysis of implementations. Given that state budget woes and cuts to education have worsened and show no signs of improving soon, implementing SSTF recommendations without adequate funding have a real potential for reducing student access and putting greater burdens on community colleges’ already tightly stretched resources.

. C. Castillo: Effective 7/1/12 students will have a maximum period of 6 years to be eligible for Pell grants. Financial Aid is developing a Pell grant eligibility report to identify students at 450%.

Also effective 7/1/12, new students without a high school diploma or GED certificate will not be eligible for Federal Financial Aid.

. K. Chow is developing a letter to all faculty and staff encouraging student participation in the March on March 5.

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