Meeting Notes - October 8, 2009 (Draft)

Members: A. Argyriou, C. Castillo, J. Chou, M. Custodio, G. Durham, Jr., C. Espinosa-Pieb, A. Guevara, R. Hansen, L. Jeanpierre, L. Jenkins, A. Khanna, D. Kubo, A. LaManque, C. Lee-Klawender, B. Murphy, L. Parent, C. Pereida, M. Shirazi, M. Spatafore

 I.    Introductions - Handout #1

Newly-elected College Council members were introduced for the academic year ’09-‘10.  Some absences due to Student Success Conference. 

II.    The College Council minutes of May 28 were approved by consensus.  Handout #2

III.   Accreditation Midterm Follow-up Report                                                                       

The accreditation midterm report was approved by the Board of Trustees on Monday, October 5. SLOs and assessments were one item needing attention.  B. Murphy responded that we are on track; additional timeline charts and updated courses with SLOs completed will be available next week.  The report is in final copy/edit form and is available with M. Spatafore. 

IV.   Enrollment Update – postponed til next meeting.                                              

B. Murphy provided enrollment information absent a report.  Enrollment is flat with approx. 24,000 students; = to Fall 2008 with Job Corps, 3% growth and 5% fewer sections. Having over 13,400 wait listed seats represents about 8,400 students with 2,300 students were unable to enroll in a single class.  The result is larger classes and fewer sections. Murphy commended instructors for adding as many students as possible.  Some shifting of FTEF from one division to another.

The College received excellent media coverage:  television and article in the Chronicle of Higher Education periodical.  Special recognition to M. Spatafore, L. Jenkins, and B. Bartindale for coordinating. Excellent articles in Chronicle of Higher Education.

V.    Budget Update – Handout #3                                                                                   

Jeanpierre and Murphy shared a DRAFT document of the 2009-10 Phase 2 Budget Planning for Fund 14 and Categorical Budgets and Reductions. Option #1: Fund 14 cuts based on prorata basis with categorical cuts allocated to affected areas ($3.360M or 42 positions eliminated) and Option #2: Fund 14 & Categorical reductions of $3.542 with 44 positions eliminated.  Campus-wide the total reduction is $6.9M or equivalent of 86 positions.  This is a campus-wide issue vs. instruction.

Murphy expressed concern that the greatest reductions are in the Student Services areas. Services are federally mandated despite the lack of state funding. 

The PBTs will examine all non-instructional positions and provide feedback on priorities, program reduction and mix.  Divisions will also be asked to reduce and Senates (A.S. C.S. Student Senate) will recommend cuts. College Council will meet in 3 weeks (10/29) to review suggestions/ recommendations. This spending plan information will then be provided to the Chancellor’s office by November 3. 

VI.   VP, Student Services Update                                                                                   

The VP, Student Services search continues. Public Forums and 2nd interviews are scheduled for October 27, 28, and 29. 

VII.  Strategic Planning/Education Master Plan                                                           

The Education Master Plan must be reviewed for Accreditation.  The 2005-2015 document was an update from the 2000-2010 document.  The Education Master Plan Committee is reviewing and will update the plan, incorporating strategic planning, core competencies, and SLOs.  The Committee will bring draft revisions of the Mission Statement and Master Plan document to a future College Council meeting.

October 30 has been scheduled for self-study training; M. Spatafore is coordinating and trying accommodate faculty leadership schedules.

VIII. SLO Update                                                                                                                       

Opening Day provided a time for divisions to get work done.  We currently have 1400 courses with SLOs for 1000 of them.  Deans have been asked to provide more up-to-date information. B. Creamer is developing an ECMS site for SLOs and creating a database for SAOs. 

IX.  Measure C Updates – Handout #4                                                                                   

D. Jones Dulin outlined several upcoming projects and suggested visiting the Facilities Measure C website for information and how to get around campus during construction.  Fencing going up in S Quad, renovation of East Cottage and Baldwin Winery next month, electrical shutdown during Christmas break when campus will be closed.  Campus Center, Phase 2 including Financial Aid where she encouraged student participation in the design phase.  Parking Lot B will be finished by November. 

MLC construction to begin October 2010 and will house TV studio, 13 classrooms, staff development, distance learning.  The MLC is technologically driven and will include new technology for learning and classrooms.  The building will be LEED platinum.

X.   Burning Issues, Quick News, Wrap Up                       

  • Night of Magic on November 7 @ VPAC benefiting Academic Services (ICCE, Honors, LinC).  Faculty and staff discount.
  • Commencement 2010 speaker, perhaps change time to boost attendance
  • Next meeting – October 29 either 3 or 4 pm.
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