Meeting Notes

November 8,2012 

Admin #109, 3:00 – 5:00 pm

College Mission Statement

De Anza College provides an academically rich, multicultural learning environment that challenges students of every background to develop their intellect, character and abilities; to realize their goals; and to be socially responsible leaders in their communities, the nation and the world.

De Anza College fulfills its mission by engaging students in creative work that demonstrates the knowledge, skills and attitudes contained within the college's Institutional Core Competencies: •Communication and expression •Information literacy •Physical/mental wellness and personal responsibility •Global, cultural, social and environmental awareness •Critical thinking

 Attending: Espinosa-Pieb, Glapion, Jeanpierre, Jenkins, Khanna, Leonard, Milonas, Murphy, Neal, Norte, Spatafore, Talaat, Tomaneng, Trosper, Zamorano

Approval of Minutes – October 25, 2012

The minutes of October 25, 2012 were approved, as amended. The agenda for this meeting was changed to reflect an action item for the approval of the Facilities Master Plan.

Post Election Update

Murphy expressed his appreciation of the election results of November 6, 2012. He was heartened by the passing of Prop 30 at 53.4%; a much stronger response than expected. He acknowledged the efforts of our students at this week’s DASB senate meeting commended students, faculty and staff who generously volunteered their time, talent and resources to register voters and inform our communities to get out the vote. These efforts to mobilize students and new voters contributed to the passage of Prop 30. Murphy commented on President Obama’s demographic appeal, which included significant increases in the non-white and youth voters.

Budget Update

Jeanpierre distributed the Post Prop 30 Reduction Scenario indicating a revised district shortfall of $5.5M, with De Anza’s share being $2.8M. Original and revised targets were provided for each of the vice president and president’s areas. She noted these budget projections are subject to change are not considered final. 

Currently De Anza is 300 FTES below our target and the college is working hard to try to increase enrollment.

Espinosa-Pieb stated that if faculty are planning on retiring they should notify the district as soon as possible so their position can be added to the faculty hiring list which will be prioritized by the IPBT.

Some good news: Non-resident enrollment is up $1M.

Facilities Master Plan

Jones-Dulin presented the final draft of the 2011-2016 Facilities Master Plan to college council. The plan document incorporates an introduction, section on existing conditions, and recommendations. It also provides a historical perspective and construction as a result of the passage of Measure E and C bonds.

The De Anza Campus is basically “built out” with no land to expand. The last available space was used for the Media and Learning Center.

College Council approved the 2011-2016 Facilities Master Plan.

Quick News & Updates

- Opening Celebration of the Media & Learning Center on Friday, November 30 which will include program and tours, with refreshments donated by Gilbane.

- The sad news of the recent passing of our colleague, Donna Bradshaw, supervisor of Deaf Services. We will hold a memorial service in the near future.

- Coordinating a post election interactive town hall involving the community.

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