IPBT Notes – November 26, 2019

Administrative reps: Lorrie Ranck (Co-Chair), Randy Bryant, Moaty Fayek, Anita Muthyala-Kandula

Classified reps: Thomas Bailey, Lorna Maynard

Faculty reps: Ed Ahrens, Cheryl Balm, Milena Grozeva, Rick Maynard, Mary Pape (Co-Chair), Erik Woodbury

Student reps: Halina Liang, John Nguyen

Absent: Sam Bliss, Alicia Cortez, Diana Alves de Lima, Dana Kennedy, Thomas Ray,

 Guests: Doli Bambhania, Vins Chacko (ACE rep), Dawn Lee-Tu, Colleen Lee-Wheat, Merhdad Khosravi, Eric Mendoza, Lisa Mesh, Mallory Newell, Daniel Smith

The notes of November 12, 2019 were approved with removing Rich Booher from absent list. His seatis vacant at that point.

The notes of November 19, 2019 were approved with additional item to DASB report – “Increase outreach to students so they are aware of the multitude of support and program available to them.”

DASB Report - https://www.deanza.edu/dasb/agendasminutes/2019-2020.html

Football Program Update –

Lorrie recapped the programs’ viability reduction/elimination process and reminded IPBT’s recommendation to give the football program the opportunity to implement a two-phase plan to realize cost savings in order to bring the expenses in line with other DA athletic teams. College Council accepted IPBT’s recommendation Scenario B with the caveat that Football’s plan be allowed and addressed by the committee. The program provided a follow up report to IPBT and had meet all of Phase I expectations. Lorrie will take this recommendation to College Council.

Allocation of Resources – Based on the consensus reached at the last week IPBT’s meeting on Scenario A for Perkins, SWF, Instructional Equipment, and Lottery Enhancement for resource allocation will be recommended to College Council for approval in early December.

Scenario B will be revisited when we are allocated the remaining 17%. This will allow IPBT to fund more critical requests for BCAT and BHES; move into "needed" requests for CA & LA, and increase other lottery allocations for other areas.

Stipulation that IPBT agreed on: Deans in coordination with departments, determine if an item is no longer applicable to the needs to the program then they can seek an exception or substitution to purchase another item that is included on the program review list.

Faculty Hiring Discussion Points

  • As of today, Instruction has 8 vacant faculty positions to fill. Retirements/Resignation only considered. SERP positions cannot be rehired for 3 years
  • At least 18 faculty position requests on Program Review
  • Start with the program reviews to see if the departments requested any
  • Deans’ justification based on Program Review that Lorrie shared with IPBT
  • Mallory to prepare one-year data sheet; 5-year enrollment data
  • Equity information to be revisited
  • FTES /FTEF report for every program
  • SERP are not owned by departments
  • 15 eliminated faculty positions. Not replacing the actual positions, hiring where the most needed
  • Potentially consider Position numbers doesn’t belong to the actual position
  • Lorrie shared “Faculty Hiring” document and asked members to review 40 requests, but 8 seats to fill
  • No new or growth positions for now, only replacement
  • Ask if the department really wanted a requested position and/or is it essential to the departments?
  • Music will come back in winter to be considered for hire.
  • IPBT members - get familiar with the document and continue discussion in earlier winter.
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