General Meeting Information

Date: June 21, 2018
Time: 1:30 - 3:00 p.m.
Location: DA MLC 233 Video Conf. Room

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    1:30 p.m. Review Agenda & Notes I/D/A Mieso/Robles
    1:35 p.m. Best Practices for Student Voices in Shared Governance Presentation I/D Kamal
    1:50 p.m. Annual Governance reflection D/A Newell
    2:15 p.m. EAC Reaffirmation Statement I/D/A Kaufman
    2:30 p.m.

    Governance Handbook Review


    3:00 p.m.



    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

    SSPBT Goals & Priorities 2017-18

    • Integrated SSSP-Student Equity-BSI plan
    • Accreditation, Self-Study, Enrollment Budget Update
    • Pathways & Promises
    • Communication
    • Title IX

    Members:  Avila, Booye, DASB, Doan, Espinosa-Pieb, Glapion, Guitron, Kirkpatrick, LeBleu-Burns, Mandy, Mieso (co-chair), Robles (co-chair), Shears, Shively, Ward, Wethington, White-Daniels

  • Minutes

    Meeting Notes

    Attending Members:  Avila, Booye, Glapion, Kirkpatrick, Mandy, Mieso, Tanubrata (DASB), Shively, Ward, Wethington, White-Daniels
    Guests:  Elias Kamal, Mallory Newell, Cynthia Kaufman
    There were no amendments to the agenda or to the notes.

    Best Practices for Student Voices in Shared Governance

    Elias Kamal presented on some of the challenges and some ideas on how to make student shared governance work for both students and De Anza College.

    “The spirit of this document comes from the desire for all members of the De Anza community to engage in mutually meaningful participation in the process of shared governance.”

    Full Presentation with Handout

    Annual Governance Reflection

    Newell guided SSPBT through this year’s Annual Governance Reflection questions.

    1. Reflecting on the work of your governance group over the past year, how did this work help fulfill our mission, values, strategic initiatives, Institutional Core Competencies, and commitment to equity?

    During the budget reduction process each area based their recommendations for reductions based on the impact to students and the impact on the mission of the campus. Program reviews and SSLOs were used to inform the process which are also aligned with the mission and core competencies. The committee also reviewed the recommendations based on the scope of impact on students and how it will affect services available to students. They also reviewed recommendations based on impact on our most marginalized student groups from underrepresented backgrounds. The group worked on the integrated plan that is aligned with the college mission. The committee also worked closely on the accreditation follow-up report that is aligned with the college mission. In terms of student equity, the group focused on retaining services for our most marginalized students, for example financial aid services, DSPS, counseling. A clear focus on equity was embedded in the process at the start of the budget reduction discussions.

    1. Reflecting on your governance group’s processes and practices over the past year, please identify what has been working and what changes you plan to implement over the next academic year to ensure continuous improvement.

    This year the committee conducted all program reviews within Nuventive and felt the process worked well and will continue the process into next year, as it was a consistent process. The group will be updating the program review forms to include several state required changes that need to be accounted for. The committee ensured that all areas have a complete SSLO/AUO and assessment on file and will continue the assessment work next year. The group would like to develop a formal voting structure for the committee with assigned voting members. The committee would like to provide an orientation to the DASB representative and possibly assign them a mentor to help with the transition.

    1. Reflecting on your groups’ ability to disseminate information to its stakeholders, what are some strengths and weaknesses in regards to ensuring that all stakeholders are informed of the committee’s activities, processes, policies and decisions? How can you improve your process for information dissemination next year?

    The committee currently relies on representatives from each group to disseminate information back to their respective groups. The representatives are expected to share notes with the committees who they represent who agendize the report out. The group work diligently to update and keep current the SSPBT website. The group will start a new process that after each meeting when the minutes are posted, each member will share the link with their stakeholders. Based on a new process, SSPBT has a standing item to report out at each College Council meeting.

    EAC Reaffirmation Statement

    The SSPBT committee reviewed the revised draft of the EAC Reaffirmation Statement. It was stated that everyone looks through the equity lens while going through the budget process but this is a good reminder to continue to do so. All the committee members approved the reaffirmation and agreed that it should move forward to College Council.

    Governance Handbook Review

    The committee reviewed the SSPBT sections in the Governance Handbook. The Mission, Charge, and Meeting Schedule remained unchanged. Under Committee Structure, some questions arose around the student representation and if only DASB students (2) could serve or if we could have a student “at large.” It was decided this would be discussed further in the fall after the membership has been confirmed for the new fiscal year and if we don’t have two student representatives on the SSPBT committee.

    • Under the Decision-Making Process the Consensus was changed to Voting Majority.
    • It was also decided that for Committee Training Offered, we would have a link to our orientation material on our website, and one of the chairs of SSPBT will offer training for new members.

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