General Meeting Information

Date: May 5, 2022
Time: 1:30 - 3:00 p.m.
Location: Online Mtg. held via Zoom*

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    1:30 p.m. Welcome    
    1:35 p.m. Approval of Meeting Notes from April 21, 2022 I/A Mandy/Mieso
    1:40 p.m. SSPBT Priorities (cont) -     
         General Counseling Presentation
         DSPS Presentation
    I/D Balducci
    2:30 p.m. Member & Program Updates I/D Mandy
    2:50 p.m. College Council Report Out I/D Mieso
    2:55 p.m. Good of the Order I/D Mandy/Mieso
    3:00 p.m. Adjourn    

    *Please contact the admin for Zoom meeting information

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes


    Attending Members: Alexander, Balducci, Brown, Chacko, Glapion, Kobata, LeBleu-Burns, Mandy (co-chair), Mieso (co-chair), Shively, Tran (DASG), Wheat, Yi-Baker

    Guests: Sushini Chand, Patricia Del Rio, Betty Inoue, Cathy Patel, Marco Tovar

    Meeting Items

    Minutes Approval

    There were no amendments to the previous meeting notes or to the agenda.

    SSPBT Priorities - DSPS Presentation

    Continuation of the presentations from different areas of Student Services regarding how they are addressing the SSPBT Core Priorities: Student Equity, Access to Education, Student Retention, and Student Completion.

    DSPS includes Adapted Physical Education (APE), Disability Support Services (DSS), Deaf Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS), and Hope Services. The DSPS portion was presented by Balducci, Patel, and Tovar.

    DSPS Data Slide

    This slide shows the various disabilities that this division serves. Some students have comorbidities where they need support and cross over to different areas.

    • Yi-Baker asked about the Mental Health category and what they are seeing in that area.
      • This area includes anxiety and depression that have risen during the pandemic.

    Projected DSPS FTES for De Anza in 2022 is a 69% increase from 2021 due to EDAC (assisted technology) courses and the continuation of in-person APE classes. They reviewed and improved how students were able to access their services when they went remote to make sure they were accessible. They are also continuing their outreach activities on and off-campus.

    SSPBT Priorities - General Counseling Presentation

    General Counseling includes the Transfer Center and the Retention Program as well. The Counseling portion was presented by Balducci, Chand, Del Rio, and Inoue.

    Counseling Data Slide

    Personal counseling has increased along with the regular academic, career, and transfer counseling. They are continuing to establish relationships with area high schools, community centers, and adult education facilities as well as in-reach to students currently enrolled. They will also partner with the Guided Pathway Villages to increase retention.

    • The state recommendation is 800 students per one General Counselor.

    The Transfer Center will be targeting and continue to outreach to students with historically low rates of transfer. They will be increasing the number of collaborations with other student services programs, instructional faculty, and community organizations. A Transfer Center Canvas shell will be created along with a social media marketing campaign. The transfer center website will be also be updated with a series of transfer videos.  

    • Transfer Center Workshops have increased attendance with the online format from 98 in Spring 2021 to 396 in Fall 2021. They have also expanded their workshops to cover more topics.

    Retention Data Slide

    Retention Program Plans for Improvement:

    • Dedicated funding for the Retention Program
    • Hire an Early Alert Counselor
    • Hire Student Success Specialists
    • Partner with Guided Pathways to increase overall student retention, persistence, and success
    • Integrate and increase utilization of Early Alert system

    Glapion had a question about the percentage of Latinx males that are on probation and that it seemed very disproportionate (45%). He wanted to know what insights or interventions they may have to address this group.

    • Del Rio responded that since they started the retention program, that number has been consistent from the beginning. They have been working with groups such as Men of Color and reaching out but COVID has hindered this process a bit. They are continuing to look where they can partner and collaborate to really outreach and in-reach to this student population so they can receive the supportive services that they need.

    Glapion also had a question about the dedicated funding that was mentioned on one of the slides. He mentioned Guided Pathways and the funding that was provided for that program.

    • Mieso responded that there wasn’t any ongoing funding for Guided Pathways beyond what was initially provided to start the program.
    • Mieso said the state has provided some retention funds for this year and the next to assist with bringing students back due to the pandemic and to help keep them enrolled. These are not ongoing funds but one-time funds that need to be utilized for this purpose.

    Full Presentation (both DSPS & Counseling)

    Member and Program Updates
    • Kobata said athletics is winding down their spring season. They have a swimmer competing at the state meet this week and track and field is coming up.

    • Tran reported from DASG that on Monday they attended the Board Meeting and presented their DASG budget for next year. The budget was approved by the Board for the next 2022-23 fiscal year.

    • Glapion reported on the Academic Senate meeting: they had an Early Alert presentation, SLO Convocation is coming up on May 13th, a second reading was done on the Student Equity Plan Re-Imagined that was approved by the senate and forwarded to College Council, a presentation was done on Active Roster from ETS with some discussion afterwards, the cloud-based printing options was also presented to the senate.

    • Yi-Baker reported that the Flea Market is coming back this Saturday. There will be about 16 ICC clubs there representing De Anza with almost 300 vendors.

    • Shively reported from FA and the work to contract has ended with the biggest salary increase for all employee groups with the COLA negotiations completed. Summer pay and part-time pay scale was also negotiated.

    • Wheat reported on Enrollment Services and Enrollment Day that was held this past weekend went well. They are preparing for summer registration that is coming up on May 16th.

    • Mandy wanted to mention that with their new Financial Aid initiative using HEERF funds, they are able to assist students with paying off their balances. There is a link to a form students can fill out that Mandy will forward and wanted the Retention Team to be aware so when they are reaching out to students they have this resource.

    Good of the Order

    Members did not have any statements or observations to note at this time.

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