Course at a glance
Your Grade depends on the following:
Your 6 Best Quiz Scores
In Class Work
OnLine Homework
Exams (4)
Projects (3-5)
Within the first 2 weeks of the quarter you must not miss a class meeting or be late more than twice. 10 minutes. late is considered absent. If you can not make it to class for some extraordinary reason, have an accident or have an unexpected event such as traffic, then call or email before class begins. Class attendance is required throughout the quarter. If you miss more than two days or are absent more than 3 times you may be dropped from the course. HOWEVER, if you know you want to be dropped from the course it is your responsibility to drop YOURSELF. If you do not do so it will be your fault if you are not dropped and there will be no way to remove the "F" on your transcript.
Math 212 earning a C or better or qualifying score on De Anza's Math Placement Exam.
Student Learning Outcomes
What you will be able to do at the end of the quarter
Evaluate real-world situations and distinguish between and apply exponential, logarithmic, rational, and discrete function models appropriately.
Analyze. interpret. and communicate results of exponential, logarithmic, rational, and discrete models in a logical manner from four points of view - visual, formula, numerical, and written.
Access to the internet
Access to the MyOpenMath homework system (Codes found on Canvas and given via email)
Scientific Calculator (TI 83 or 84 preferred but NOT required)
Graphing paper 10-15 sheets
Pencil, large eraser, ruler and stapler
Intermediate Algebra Student Workbook - De Anza College modified by Doli Bambhania. Sold at the Bookstore or Click HERE for free online version.
Medium 3 ring binder capable of containing 2-3 spiral notebooks
At least 2 spiral notebooks that have holes already punched and can be put in your 3 ring binder
Dividers or folders having pockets to hold all graded work. They must also have holes to fit in your 3-ring binder.
There are 4 exams in additional to the final. Each exam is worth 75 points. See the calendar using the link above for tentative exam dates. There are no makeup exams. However, your lowest exam score can be replaced by your percent on the final if it is better than that exams percent.
There will be several short quizzes given at the beginning of class meetings usually once a week in weeks with no exams scheduled. Each quiz is worth 40 points. Quizzes are based on homework. Some quizzes will be taken in groups so it is a good idea to work with your colleagues early on to form a strong group. There are no makeup quizzes.
More than half of your homework will be done online software homework system called MyOpenMath. This program is free. You must create an account by Wed. of the first week of class. Simply go to If you need ANY help setting up an account or getting started CONTACT the instructor immediately.
Some homework assignments will be assigned directly from the workbook and/or given within the lecture. If turned in (this will be announced in class), homework must be stapled and neatly done to receive any credit. If you miss a class meeting it is your responsibility to get homework assignments from another student. Do NOT ask the instructor. No late homework will be accepted.
NOTE: Do not ask for an extension for ANY homework. No extensions will be given. Your two lowest assignment scores will be dropped.
There will be 3-5 short projects. Projects will be worth at least 20 points. The points will depend on how many we do. Projects turned in late will lose 20 percent/day.
In-Class Work
Many days you will work in a group and turn in group work which will be graded and most often handed back the next day. This work is either based on the previous nights homework OR that day's lecture. No late work is accepted. This work counts in the calculation of your homework grade.
Point Distribution
Category | Points |
Exam Total | 300 |
Quizzes | 200 |
Homework | 200 |
Projects | 100 |
Final | 200 |
Total | 1000 |
Grading Scale
Percentage | Letter Grade |
99% to 100% | A+ |
90% to 98% | A |
89% | A- |
86% to 88% | B+ |
80% to 85% | B |
79% | B- |
76% to 78% | C+ |
70% to 75% | C |
66% to 69% | D+ |
50% to 65% | D |
49% | D- |
< 49% | F |
Policy on Cheating
Students who submit the work of others as their own or cheat on exams or other assignments receive a failing grade on that assignment and are reported to college authorities.
You may access your final grades through MyPortal.