Music 1A Extra Credit Guidelines

Looking for someting to nudge your grade up a bit?
Up to two extra credit projects will be accepted.
Extra credit can only be applied to grades already at or above a "C."

  1. Six points: Extra credit can be earned by attending live music performances beyond the two required concert reports
  • Sign in at the concert if there is a list provded. If not, get signature of instructor showing that you attended
  • Stay for the entire program: arriving late or leaving early will make you ineligable for the points.
  • Write a one-page summary of the performance and attach program and ticket stub.
  • You are especially encouraged to attend Music Department concerts during the quarter (most occur during week 11) See list below.
  • Events not on Mr. Dunn's or Mr. Mitchell's lists must be pre-approved

 2. Five points: View any of the following videos; Write a one-page summary of your experience. Other titles may be appropriate; confer with instructor for approval of other titles.

 Titles followed with (R) indicate videos on reserve at Open Media Lab

  • Amadeus
  • Immortal Beloved (Beethoven) (R)
  • Don Giovanni (Mozart opera) (R)
  • La Boheme (Puccini opera) (R)
  • The Red Violin (R)
  • Farrinelli
  • Tous les Matins de Monde
  • Any opera in the De Anza Learning Center.
  • Handel's last Chance
  • Hillary and Jackie
  • Franz Schubert

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