Meeting Notes - June 5, 2014

Present: Byron Lilly, Marisa Spatafore (co-chairs); Wayne Chenoweth, Tom Dolen, Mary Kay Englen, Brandon Gainer, Richard Hansen, Cecilia Hui, Marty Kahn, Sharon Luciw, Joe Moreau, Cheryl Owiesny, Joan Peña-Ferrick, April Qian, Lorrie Ranck, Dennis Shannakian; Vanessa Smith (notes)

Call to Order

Luciw spoke briefly about account codes for technology purchases and the migration from XP to Windows 7. The number of computers with XP districtwide is much smaller than stated at the May meeting. Any computer fewer than four years old will get an OS and hardware update.

Hui asked if her computer can be re-imaged and Luciw said such requests should be submitted via work order. Dolen asked why the district has a license for Microsoft OS but not Mac OS. Luciw said ETS decided Mac maintenance and support is not as cost-effective because Microsoft offers a site license that Apple does not. Dolen requested to see the long-term cost difference.

Metcalf was not present to discuss net neutrality.

Appropriate use of social media/cloud services for instruction

Judy Baker, dean of Global Access at Foothill, gave a presentation on faculty use of social media.

Moreau stated the importance of the Terms of Service. The terms differ depending on business or individual use. Google, for example, is open to negotiating terms of use with institutions in a way they do not with individuals.

Baker emphasized the need to back up any documents uploaded to cloud services. Hansen asked about the capacity to store items on district servers. Moreau said some increased capabilities may come from the state OEI.

OEI update

The steering committee received requests from 65 colleges to participate in the pilot online education consortium. The group will be narrowed down to 10-12 and broken into two cohorts. The committee will continue working with state Academic Senate throughout the summer. The group’s next meeting is in Los Angeles on June 6.

In fall, the steering committee will submit an RFP for pilot course management systems. They are very close to finalizing hiring of all members of the leadership team.

Approve the notes from May 1, 2014

Notes were approved with one correction. The OEI website is

Technology Enhanced Teaching and Learning Subcommittee update

Six people were nominated to the subcommittee: Byron Lilly, Shagun Kaur, Don Uy-Baretta, Randy Claros, Aimee Gillette and David Garrido.

Ranck will set up a time to meet before the end of the spring term. Dolen asked if anyone from the sciences was nominated. Ranck said no, but she did reach out to various areas and Academic Senate. Peña-Ferrick and Ranck briefly discussed changes to MyPortal and Banner.

Annual governance survey/Preliminary planning discussion

Owiesny asked if the TTF meeting time could be changed to accommodate more members. A poll will be sent to committee members to determine best meeting time.

In response to comments from Englen, Spatafore asked if it would be helpful to invite new Technology Task Force members to a co-chairs meeting. Englen said that would be helpful and also mentioned updating the governance section of the website.

The group filled out and submitted the governance survey.

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