Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE)

The CCSSE is administered in the spring quarter to credit students and gathers information about their overall college experience. The survey focuses on educational practices and student behaviors associated with higher levels of learning, persistence and completion. De Anza College participated in the survey in 2007, 2009, 2012 and 2014.
The sample of students is selected randomly. All faculty members teaching in the spring quarter are included in a pool from which the random sample of course sections is chosen to administer the survey in class. The survey takes students about 50 minutes to complete. Results from the survey are distributed campus wide and presented to the Academic Senate, College Council, Planning and Budget Teams, and Deans and Managers for discussion.




2009 Administration

The 2009 sample included 797 valid responses. De Anza College participated in the 2009 survey as one of 9 SSPIRE colleges - Support Partnership Integrating Resources and Education. Results from this survey include comparisons to other SSPIRE colleges. The SSPIRE community colleges include: American River College, College of Alameda, Merced College, Mount San Antonio College, Pasadena College, Santa Ana, Taft and Victor Valley.

Presentation and Repoprt


2009 Administration

The 2007 sample included 1,171 valid responses. De Anza College participated in the 2007 survey as part of the SSPIRE consortium - Support Partnership Integrating Resources and Education.

Presentation and Report

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