This event takes place in the past.

Building Coalitions With Messages of Hope


3:30 pm to 5:00 pm

Online via Zoom

Building Coalitions With Messages of Hope
Join us for a talk with Jason Tengco, Former Coalitions Chief of Staff, Biden for President, as part of the Social Science and Humanities Dean's Momentum series.

Moderator: Elvin T. Ramos, Dean, Social Sciences and Humanities.
  • Zoom ID: 938 7260 5936
  • Password: 670 110

In this session, Jason Tengco will share with us the meaning of building relationships from the ground up. He will remind us how optimism, hope, and positive messaging can amplify the heart, the mind, and the spirit of individuals who truly wants to make a better environment for the nation we live in. Tengco’s session will also highlight his own work as he contributed to the successful win of the Biden-Harris Presidential ticket this past November 2020 election.

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