Approve the Notes from May 24, 2018 Meeting

The May 24, 2018 notes were approved with the correction of the word deceased to decreased.

Budget Updates

State 2018/19; FHDA 5-year forecast

FHDA & DA 3rd quarter report highlights

Cheu presented the highlights of the proposed state budget which is due to the governor today (6/15/18) and the FHDA & DA 3rd quarter highlights. Please click on the link for the presentation. The Full 3rd quarter report  is at this link. In addition to the information in the presentation Cheu also shared that: FHDA is in 'stability' so will be able to use prior funding numbers for FY 18/19 instead of using the new funding formula;  College Promise (BOG) is no longer capped by age; deferred maintenance/instructional equipment is split 60/40 DA/FH. Assumptions on the budget are based on flat enrollment; DA 3rd quarter report figures are generally as expected for this time of year.

Budget Reductions - effective July 2019

Cheu presented a further update on the APBT budget reduction proposal (please click on link for the presentation). Cheu also added that College Operations are aggressively transferring position costs to facilities rental fund 15. The facilities rental fund 15 budget will be analyzed throughout the year with a possibility that this plan may have to be re-addressed next year.  The District has approved the pay down the facility rental fund balance.  There will be significant impacts to the cashiering area if the senior cashiering position is eliminated. The Administrative services reorganization plan is confidential and details cannot be shared at this time. Cheu asked the team to approve the plan.

The team reluctantly approved the proposals with the caveat that the administrative services reorganization plan will be re-presented with details when the team meets again in Fall 2018.

Quick News

Business division have been making students aware they maybe eligible for certificates.

Google are now accepting associates degrees.

Anecdotal evidence reflects that international students are concerned about safety at colleges.  UC Irvine perceived as safer than Berkeley.

Yammer information is useful.

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