Meeting Notes 

January 19, 2017

3:00 - 4:00 pm

Present: Cheu, Cook, Cruz, Espinosa-Pieb, Grey, Hansen, Hunter, Kandula, Lara, Mieso, Murphy, Norte, Nguyen, Ranck, Rigsby, Spatafore, Ulate, Varela

Acting Director, Budget and Personnel, Martin Varela was welcomed and introduced to members of College Council. Martin will assume the full roles and responsibilities of Bret Watson through June 30, 2017 and he will serve in an advisory role to College Council.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of December 8, 2016 were approved as amended (Technology Plan, B Budget Updates).

Draft District Strategic Plan – David Ulate

The intent of the District Strategic Plan’s is to articulate how the district is supporting it's Mission Statement as well as goals identified in the college's Educational Master Plans. Thus, bringing into alignment the two colleges’ Education Master Plans and the district strategies. In this context, the district refers to Central Services. This process was developed in anticipation of the visiting accreditation team who be reviewing our plans.

Ulate described the District’s Strategic Plan and how it relates to certain district values such as equity and excellence. There are seven district priorities which correlate to goals within the colleges’ Education Master Plans. Metrics were added to measure progress/completion. This Plan will be produced every seven years to coincide with the colleges’ accreditation cycle but can be refreshed at any time.

A question was raised regarding CG.1 regarding fiscal responsibility in maintaining “stable” salaries and benefits. However, the District sets a higher, more competitive goal. It was suggested Ulate bring to the Chancellor’s Advisory Council more aggressive language regarding salaries and benefits.

Please forward questions, suggestions and feedback to Ulate by Monday, 1/23 as Chancellor’s Advisory Council will convene on 1/27.

College Response to Incoming Administration

Murphy welcomed discussion, reviewed what the College is doing, and seeking input and ideas on ways to approach the incoming administration.  We are facing an unprecedented government that threatens the identity of the college. Murphy is reviewing language of how we declare the college, as a space of resistance or independence.

Following the election we will provide support for our most vulnerable students and the impact is enormous for undocumented students on campus. Murphy’s recent campus communication and college website outline upcoming events that will assist our students. He welcomed ideas to provide protection, emotion support and areas for improvement

A discussion followed which included, but is not limited to:

  • What can DASB do?
  • Build community conversations and schedule monthly forums to discuss experiences, gain clarity and develop plans around specific issues. Bring legal experts to provide updates on the situation.
  • Upcoming ILRC training and Q&A sessions
  • Asian Law Alliance providing legal counsel
  • Red Cards
  • Bilingual train the trainer sessions
  • Revitalization of March on March
  • Go to Sacramento to support current legislators and representatives
  • Advocate for permanent funding
  • Attend FACCCT meetings on policy forum
  • Contact State Student Senate President
  • Mobilization of Campus Police, A&R alerts
  • AAC&U annual meeting, ACLU, CCLC
  • Training on how to lobby
  • Checking other community colleges
  • Actively organizing and resisting the new administration’s agenda
  • Coming together as a coalition as youth voices are strong and get attention
  • Division meetings to discuss civic literacy and what we can be doing to better prepare our students.
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