General Meeting Information

Date: November 19, 2019
Time: 4 - 5 p.m.

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    4 - 4:05 p.m. Approval of Notes - November 12, 2019 A Ranck/Pape
    4:05 - 4:10 p.m. DASB Report I/D Liang
    4:10 - 4:30 p.m. Football Program UPdate I/D
    • Erick Mendoza
    • Kulwant Singh
    4:30 - 5 p.m. Allocation of Resource I/D Ranck/Pape

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    Meeting Items

     IPBT – November 19, 2019 Meeting Notes submitted by Olga Evert

    Administrative reps: Lorrie Ranck (Co-Chair), Sam Bliss, Randy Bryant, Alicia Cortez, Moaty Fayek, Anita Muthyala-Kandula, Thomas Ray

    Classified reps: Thomas Bailey, Dana Kennedy, Lorna Maynard

    Faculty reps: Ed Ahrens, Diana Alves de Lima, Cheryl Balm, Milena Grozeva, Rick Maynard, Mary Pape (Co-Chair), Erik Woodbury

    Student reps: Halina Liang, John Nguyen

    Absent: Sam Bliss, Anita Muthyala-Kandula, Lorrie Ranck (Co-Chair)

     Guests: Vins Chacko (ACE rep), Cynthia Kaufman (FA rep), Genevieve Kolar, Dawn Lee-Tu, Colleen Lee-Wheat, Nick Mattis, Eric Mendoza, Tony Santos, Kulwant Singh

    Meeting Items

    Approval of Notes

    Approved to table the approval of the meeting notes for November 12th meeting until meeting of November 26, 2019.

    DASB Report

    Genevieve urged all, faculty in particular, to attend the special Board Meeting scheduled for Monday, November 25th at 6:00 pm in the Foothill dining area. Many students have been attending the Board meetings arguing in favor of District voting to place measures on the ballot for parcel tax and Bond measure. They would very much appreciate the support of faculty.

    Halina reported out on the DASB meeting. The students have voted to press for priority registration to facilitate students participating in shared governance groups and other activities for the entire year instead of quarter by quarter depending on classes. Students also ask to keep affordable housing front and foremost. Increase outreach to students so they are aware of the multitude of support and program available to them.

    Football Program Update

    Presenters in addition to Dean Eric Mendoza were Nick Mathias, Tony Santos, and Kulwant Singh. Newly hired athletic trainers and facility equipment assistants (positions vacated through retirement) were hired based on a Tuesday through Saturday schedule which decreases the necessity for overtime pay and comp-time. The savings realized this year were $37,000.

    Decreased TEA coaches led to a savings of $7,943.43. This was made possible by a shift in funding for FAST (after school program providing football students with academic support) to student equity money.

    Total Phase I load savings is 0.21. Reduced head coach’s class load.

    Football fundraise goal was $10,000 for Phase I. To date amount of additional fundraising is $12,446, exceeding the goal.

    • Expense transfers half of ambulance cost goes to Fund 15 and gate fees
    • Bus fees now moved to Fund 15

    Phase II includes further savings:

    • Next year goal to fundraise is $15,000
    • Mattis FT will take on .167 load of football
    • Roster cap 70 travel = less cost of program

    Phases II, cut to $103,000 for total budget. It was noted that football provides fundraising opportunities for other teams.

    Mary Pape: football has meet all of Phase I expectations. Any decision to be made will be subject of next meeting when Lorrie is present.

    Allocation of Resources

    Reviewed two scenarios for proposed budget allocation. This is a draft and for IPBT eyes only. Strong Workforce Program amount is reduced by $500,000 in salaries. The difference between Scenario A and Scenario B is that in Scenario B SWP funds available is increased by 17%. It is customary that some percentage will be awarded for enhancement of program. Last year this extra was 17%.

    Perkins already taken out

    Option A: Two departments (BCAT & BHES) receive 85 % of total critical needs. Other areas had all critical needs funded.

    Option B:  Includes 17% and funds more CRITICAL requests for BCAT and BHES; moves into NEEDED requests for CA and LA and increases other Lottery Allocations for other areas.

    Example: BHES scenario II. within the critical list, it is the choice of the Dean to purchase another item from the Critical list


    1) Adopt Scenario A with provision Deans have choice to purchase other than critical item as long as on request list.

    2) When the actual amount increase for Strong Workforce money is known IPBT will revisit option B.

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