General Meeting Information

Date: October 25, 2018
Location: ADM 106

  • Agenda

    Topic Purpose Discussion Leader


    • Committee Change
    • Membership
    • Responsibilities
    I/D/A All
    Review Governance Handbook I/D All
    Review CCCO's Vision for Success I/D All
    Review Educational Master Plan update & Institutional Metrics I/D All
    Review Quality Focus Essay


    Program Review tool and Inquiry tool


    Goals for 2018-19



    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    Meeting Minutes

    Attendees: Mallory Newell, Tono Ramirez, Diana Alves De Lima, Susan Cheu, George Robles, Lorna Maynard, Karen Chow, Christina Espinosa-Pieb, Marisa Spatafore, Ola Sabawi

    As it was the first meeting of the year and there was a new member, we reviewed the Committee Charge + Membership + Responsibilities on the College Planning page, including the planning quilt.        

    The committee then reviewed the updated the Governance Handbook and accompanying institutional effectiveness graphic. Newell informed the committee that it is requested that the handbook be updated each year in the spring quarter by each governance group. It was also discussed if the committees should add an item to their charge which clarifies if faculty need to be fully tenured to serve on each individual committee. Karen Chow noted that she will raise the issue with senate to ask each group if they would like to add this as clarification moving forward.

    The committee then reviewed the Review CCCCO’s “Vision for Success” as it outlines goals that each college will be directed to take on and how they align with our institutional metrics. Visions for Success

    The committee then reviewed the Educational Master Plan Update (EMP) and accompanying Institutional Metrics. It was discussed that each college will be required to update their metrics to align with the Chancellor’s Vision for Success. Many of our metrics are already aligned. The committee will need to revisit our Institutional Metrics this year, once the Simplified Metrics, which will replace the Student Success Scorecard are released. It was also discussed that since some of our metrics apply to basic skills courses, that those will need to be updated in alignment with new AB 705 requirements. The EMP update and institutional metrics will be taken to College Council on November 8th for review and approval.

    The committee then reviewed an updated that the research office compiled as a summary of activities pertaining to our accreditation Quality Focus Essay (QFE). A full report of the QFE will need to be included in the accreditation mid-term report and the QFE will need to be fully implemented by the next accreditation visit. The annual update monitors and captures progress in each area. The QFE update will be taken to College Council on November 8th for review and feedback as an information item.

    The use of Latinx and Filipinx instead of Latino/a and Filipino/a was disuccused. Newell proposed the change to be included in the Program Review tool and the inquiry tool, as well as for all other research reporting purposes. The request came from the Office of Equity, as it is already using the terms. The committee was supportive of the change but was going to ask student groups what they thought of the change and report back.

    Lastly, the committee discussed goals for the 2018-19 year which includes a review and update of the Values Statements.

    The next meeting will be on December 13th from 1:30-2:30

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