General Meeting Information

Date: January 14, 2021
Time: 1:30-3 p.m.
Location: Online

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    1:30-2:40 p.m. Tech Survey results presentation (complete survey results below) I/D Harrell
    2:40-3 p.m. Guided Pathways updates I/D Hearn/Palmore

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes


    Lydia Hearn, Harrell, Spatafore (co-chair), Pape (co-chair), Lakshmanan, Rosenberg, Gainer, Garrido, Grey, Anderson, Owiesny, Shannakian, Seale (notes), Galoyan, Ranck, Luciw, Moreau, Kim Palmore

    Tech Survey Results presentation

    Harrell presented survey results for the 2020 Tech Survey. Committee members discussed the results and possible outcomes as Harrell presented.

    • Regarding student responses on what could be improved, the top responses were instructor-communication; difficulties with keeping track of coursework and/or increase in demand; desire for more groupwork
      • Lydia Hearn and Brandon Gainer speculated that this was likely a perception issue due to the fact that there isn’t as much passive learning involved in online classes.
      • Gainer noted that he has heard comments from students about wanting more group assignments. Hearn suggested that this may be a matter of training faculty on how to utilize breakout rooms and other tools to facilitate more group work.
      • Hearn added that in her department there appears to be a student preference for synchronous classes over asynchronous. Owiesny also felt that her students enjoyed having a synchronous element in their classes, even if the class was not totally synchronous.
      • Owiesny observed that while responses seem to indicate that students generally see many benefits of online learning, for Physical Education there is a preference for the sense of community and connection of in-person classes.
    • Regarding student responses on preferred methods of communication from instructors, the top response was email.
      • Owiesny asked for clarification on what counts as Canvas communication, email communication or both, given that some Canvas actions also result an email. Gainer noted that generally Canvas instructor announcements result in an email to students. However, Garrido added that Canvas notifications can be modified by students so this may not necessarily be the case.
    • Regarding student feelings of connection with their classes, most students responded that they didn’t feel as connected.
      • Spatafore highlighted that the current virtual learning environment might explain why students responded this way. Grey pointed out that students felt more connected in general according to the facilities survey which asked a similar question but more broadly. Spatafore attributed this to learning communities and other spaces where students connect beyond the classroom.
    • Regarding whether students had access to Disability Support Services resources (if they are registered with DSS), 62% of students responded “no.”
      • Spatafore stated that this was an issue with the wording of the question. Lakshmanan agreed, as did Moreau and other committee members.
    • Regarding the technology refresh process, many respondents seemed unaware of the process itself.
      • Hearn asked whether refreshes are ongoing. Moreau confirmed that devices are still being replaced. Luciw added that many employees did not take home their work desktops and that many laptops were distributed so individuals wouldn’t have to use personal devices in a relatively short period of time. Moreau stated that Measure G will continue to support these ongoing refreshes.
    • Regarding the survey conclusions, most respondents (across the board) indicated a desire for upgraded, more efficient devices, particularly for students.
      • Spatafore noted that a lot of CARES funding has already been used in this regard.
      • Ranck added that such funding has also been used for Adobe licenses for students, Proctorio, Net Tutor, chem kits and other resources. Ranck noted that there are equity concerns around the use of Proctorio and that there are ongoing discussions about this with Academic Senate leadership.
      • Ranck also noted that there are many professional development opportunities still being provided and made available later via recording.
      • Grey stated there is additional funding expected in the coming weeks that will be less restrictive than CARES Act funding. A good portion will be used to support students directly through financial aid and possibly for student technology needs.
    • Spatafore stated that Harrell will work on a condensed presentation of the survey results.

    Guided Pathways updates

    Guided Pathways co-chairs Lydia Hearn and Kim Palmore presented on Guided Pathways and initiatives that have a technology component. These initiatives include a metamajors webpage that is being set up with support from Harrell and Brandon Bailey in the Office of Communications. The presentation included previews of these technological components such as the metamajors webpage and Guided Pathways Canvas site.

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