MATH 42 - Trigonometric Functions

Call Number

Schedule ID





  • MTWThF 11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.
  • 5 Units
Course Syllabus

Syllabus is in downloadable PDF icon PDF

Homework Assignments

HW list for 2nd ed. and HW list for 3rd ed. are in downloadable PDF icon PDF (updated June 14)

Final Exam Review Materials

Suggested Final Exam review problems:

  • 2nd edition: Cumulative Test p. 485-486 except #5, 6, 8, 11, 43, 46
  • 3rd edition: Cumulative Test p. 457-458 except #5, 6, 8, 11, 43, 46

Solutions to Exam 1, Exam 2 and Exam 3, and a list of formulas from the quarter.

Schedule for Math 42 - Spring 2016

Subject to change (dates in red are past and are not subject to change):

Date Sections covered / activities What's due

Week 1

M 4/4

Introduction (start 4.1)  
T 4/5 Angles (cont. 4.1)  
W 4/6 Angles and applications (cont. 4.1)  
Th 4/7 Right triangle trig (finish 4.1, start 4.3)  
F 4/8

Quiz 1 (4.1)

Common angles (cont. 4.3)

4.1 HW (CP due Mon)

Week 2

M 4/11

Using right triangles (cont. 4.3)

4.1 Challenge Problems

T 4/12

Right triangle applications; The unit circle (finish 4.3, start 4.2)

Unit circle handout

W 4/13

Unit circle trig functions (finish 4.2)

Solutions to a couple exercises

Th 4/14

General trig functions (start 4.4)

4.3 HW due
F 4/15

Quiz 2 (4.2, 4.3)

Reference angles (cont. 4.4)

4.2 HW (CP due Mon)

Week 3

M 4/18

Graph of sin(x) (finish 4.4, start 4.5) 4.2 Challenge Problems
T 4/19

Graph of cos(x) (cont. 4.5)

Trig functions handout

W 4/20

Trig graphs (finish 4.5, start 4.6)

Exam 1 review

4.4 HW due
Th 4/21 More trig graphs (finish 4.6)  
F 4/22

Quiz 3 (4.4, 4.5)

4.5 HW due

Week 4

M 4/25


4.6(a) HW due
T 4/26

EXAM 1 (4.1 - 4.6(a))

W 4/27 arcsin(x) and arccos(x) (start 4.7)  
Th 4/28

Inverse trig functions (finish 4.7)

F 4/29
Quiz 4 (4.7) 4.7 HW (CP due Mon)

Week 5

M 5/2

Applications of trig functions (4.6, 4.8) 4.7 Challenge Problems
T 5/3
Fundamental trig identities (start 5.1)  
W 5/4

Factoring trig expressions (finish 5.1)

4.6(b) & 4.8 HW due

(please staple together)

Th 5/5
Verifying trig equations (5.2)  
F 5/6

Quiz 5 (4.8, 4.6(b), 5.1)

Solving trig equations (start 5.3)

5.1 HW due

Week 6

M 5/9

General solutions to trig equations (cont. 5.3)

Start Project 1: Directions, build instructions and handout

5.2 HW due
T 5/10

Trig solutions for multiple angles (cont. 5.3)

Exam 2 review

Course evaluations

W 5/11
Solving trig equations (cont. 5.3)  
Th 5/12

5.3 HW questions

F 5/13

Quiz 6 (5.3)

Sum and difference formulas (start 5.4)

5.3 HW due

Week 7

M 5/16

T 5/17
EXAM 2 (4.6(b) - 4.8, 5.1 - 5.3)  
W 5/18
Sum and difference formulas (cont. 5.4)  
Th 5/19

Sum and difference and double angle formulas

(finish 5.4, start 5.5(a))

F 5/20

Quiz 7 (5.4)

Double and half angle formulas (cont. 5.5(a))

5.4 HW (CP due Mon)

Week 8

M 5/23

More trig formulas (finish 5.5(a), start 5.5(b))

5.4 Challenge Problems
T 5/24
More trig formulas (cont. 5.5(b)) Project 1 due
W 5/25
Law of Sines (finish 5.5(b), start 6.1) 5.5(a) HW due
Th 5/26

Law of Sines (cont. 6.1)

F 5/27

Quiz 8 (5.5)

Law of Sines (cont. 6.1)

5.5(b) HW due

Week 9

M 5/30

No Class

T 5/31

Law of Cosines (finish 6.1, start 6.2)

Start Project 2

W 6/1

Law of Cosines (finish 6.2)

Th 6/2
Vectors (start 6.3) 6.1 HW due
F 6/3

Quiz 9 (6.1, 6.2)

Vectors (cont. 6.3)

6.2 HW due

Week 10

M 6/6

Unit vectors (finish 6.3)

Don't forget to turn in your Project 1 Peer Evaluation

T 6/7
Dot product (start 6.4)  
W 6/8
Orthogonal vectors and projections (finish 6.4) 6.3 HW due
Th 6/9

Complex numbers (start 6.5)

Exam 3 review

Project 2 due
F 6/10

Quiz 10 (6.3, 6.4)

Complex numbers (cont. 6.5)

6.4 HW due

Week 11

M 6/13

Complex number (finish 6.5)


T 6/14

EXAM 3 (5.4, 5.5, 6.1-6.5)

6.5 HW due
W 6/15 Polar coordinates (10.7)  
Th 6/16

Polar equations (10.8)

Quiz 11 - Take home quiz (10.7)

F 6/17


Quiz 11

10.7-10.8 HW due

M 6/20



FINAL EXAM (4.1 - 4.8, 5.1 - 5.5, 6.1-6.5, 10.7, 10.8)  
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