General Meeting Information

Date: February 25, 2020
Time: 2:00pm
Location: ADMIN 106

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader


    Welcome and Ice Breaker

    Today's question: Do you take your breaks during the day? What is one favorite thing you do during your work-day breaks?




    Approval of Agenda & Minutes




    DASB Student Mentors
    Identification of student mentors for the remainder of this year




    Update from ACEFA

    ACEFA is the group exploring moving from quarters to semesters.




    Senior management Q&A




    Presentation on Student Feedback System




    Standing committee updates




    Updates on Classified Professional Development Day




    Good of the order



    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes [DRAFT]


    Members Present: Heidi King (president elect), Victoria Kahler (secretary), Scott Olsen (treasurer), Alex Harrell (communications officer), Laura Hiler (sec. 1), Lorna Maynard (sec. 6), Jenny Vela (sec. 9), Keri Kirkpatrick (sec. 11), Dennis Shannakian (sec. 12), Ola Sabawi (sec. 13), Winnie Tse (DASB rep.)

    Guests: Veronica Aparicio (ACEFA), Marilyn Booye (SSPBT), Tracy Chung-Tabangcura (PD comm.), Claudia Guzman (PD comm.), Christina Espinosa-Pieb (DA Interim President)

    Meeting Items


    Today’s Opening Questions: Do you take your breaks during the day? What is the favorite thing you do during your work-day breaks?

    Answers varied. Favorite activities include people watching, checking Twitter, reading, drinking tea, wandering around or power-walking, breathing, visiting the Cheeseman Environmental Study Area, listening to music, and catching up with friends and students.

    Approval of Minutes and Agenda

    Harrell moved, Maynard seconded to approve the 2/25/2020 agenda. Agenda approved by consensus.

    Harrell moved, Shannakian seconded to approve the 2/11/2020 minutes. Minutes approved by consensus.

    Update from ACEFA

    Aparicio is a classified representative on the Academic Calendar Exploration and Feasibility Analysis Task Force (ACEFA), which is the group exploring moving from quarters to semesters. She explained that they are analyzing what is best for students and the school. They have had several meetings, looking at varying information from other schools. Their next step is surveying students who applied to De Anza but who didn’t enroll, with the aim to understand if the quarter vs. semester system aspect influenced them. She acknowledged that if the system were changed, the process could be long and costly.

    Senior Administration/Q&A

    Espinosa-Pieb reiterated that enrollment is declining, but based on the new funding model, the district is “held harmless” until 2022. In the next couple years, districtwide conversations will focus on preparing for this “forgiveness” to end. At the same time, advocates of community colleges are lobbying at the state level regarding funding. Booye also suggested bringing ideas about funding and enrollment to the PBTs.

    Presentation on Student Feedback System

    Tse presented a proposed Student Feedback System from a DASB ad hoc committee. She explained that there has been no regular system for students to give feedback on class experience, so they rely on public/unofficial resources (for example, Rate My Professor). The committee’s objective is to improve the quality of classes for both faculty and students. They are seeking the support, advice and opinions of the senates and administration before presenting to the faculty union.

    Standing Committee & Shared Governance Reports

    Maynard shared that IPBT has just started looking at Program Reviews.

    Classified Professional Development Day Updates

    CAMP CLASSIFIED is the theme for our annual Classified Professional Development Day on Friday, May 15, 2020, 8:00am-4:00pm, at De Anza College Conference Rooms A & B. King noted that “Colleagues whose typical schedules do not include Fridays are encouraged to work in advance with their managers to adjust schedules so they may attend this event. Managers are aware of the event and ready to make arrangements with you.”

    Good of the Order

    Booye asked that Sandwich Vouchers, which were purchased from our Student Support Funds, go to Foster Youth this week.

    Guzman announced that ACE Conference Funds have been depleted for the current 2019-2020 year.

    Harrell requested that Classified Senators send him pictures for our directory.

    Meeting adjourned at 3:30 pm

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