General Meeting Information

Date: January 24, 2023
Time: 10:00 - 11:25 am
Location: MLC 255

This meeting will be held HyFlex, meaning anyone can participate in-person or online.  To join remotely, see the Zoom information at the bottom of this page.

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader


    Approval of today's agenda and the Jan. 17, 2023, minutes

    A Erik

    Norms and ground rules (cont. from last meeting)

    D/A Adriana

    Charge and mission

    D/A Adriana

    Faculty hiring - Nursing and Auto tech

    A Erik

    Faculty Hiring & Lottery: How to proceed?



    Today's desired actions/outcomes:

    1. Vote on hiring of nursing department faculty and auto tech faculty director 

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    Membership attendance

    • In person: Tina Lockwood, Eric Mendoza, Izat Rasyad, Javier Gomez-Tagle, Erik Woodbury, Cheryl Jaeger Balm, Moaty Fayek, Tim Shively, Adriana Garcia, Salvador Guerrero 
    • Remote: Bidya Subedi, Andre Meggerson, Felisa Vilaubi, Elvin Ramos, Alicia Mullens, Isaac Lim, Erick Aragon, Michele LeBleu-Burns
    • Absent: Rob Mieso, Thomas Ray, Pam Grey, Melinda Hughes, Wei Quan Lai, Jessica Lukius

    Votes taken in today's meeting:

    1.  PAC reaffirms the decision made by IPBT to automatically fill nursing positions if there is a faculty vacancy that threatens the existence of the program - passes unanimously

    2. PAC approves the hiring of a faculty program director for the automotive technology management baccalaureate program passes unanimously


    The senior administrators got called into a meeting with the Chancellor, so they aren’t able to make today’s meeting.

    Norms and Ground Rules

    Working documents:

    We will probably address whether we should change the name of this committee after the charge and mission are finalized.  It is being confused with the FA PAC (Political Action Committee).

    In the proposed ground rules, #6 is about disseminating information to and from members’ constituencies, but members may need help and training on how to do this effectively.  We might need second reads to occur two weeks after first reads to give students time to get feedback from DASG and likewise for faculty and classified and their Senates.  

    For decision-making meetings, PAC should keep in mind when College Council meets.

    There is no plan for PAC to meet in the summer given the FA contract and the lack of students on campus, but some things may need to be ordered in the summer months, so we need to have procedures in place for that.  Administrators and classified are here working in the summer months.  We could allow for the chairs to make emergency decisions in the summers.  

    There is an agreed-upon expectation that PAC members will communicate via email between meetings, and respond within two business days. This may prove a challenge at some times in the quarter for various representatives, but this is the target we will aim to reach.

    Discussion of how members of the public should be able to interact in meetings and if there should be a public comment or good of the order time.  Members of the public can contact the chairs to ask to have things added to the agenda, and comment on agendized items during the meetings. A general "public comment on items not on the agenda" was not recommended.


    • Student reps will discuss the possibility of giving a weekly DASG report out.
    • Proposed final draft of the norms and ground rules will be presented for approval next meeting.

     Charge and mission and charge 

    Program review is in proposed the mission.  IPBT was often reviewing and rewriting program review, which is for instruction.  CAS is the student services equivalent, but there are other areas of the college that have no equivalent to program review.  Michele shared slides on CAS from SSPBT.  


    • Members should get additional comments on the charge into the editable doc by this Friday.
    • Proposed final draft of the mission will be presented for approval next meeting.

    Faculty hiring - Nursing

    If we don’t hire for the vacant faculty positions in nursing, the nursing program will have to be discontinued because it will no longer be accredited by the state.  Specific specialties are required within the nursing faculty, including maternal health, pediatrics, and psychiatric and mental health.  Nursing also has their own special section in Ed Code.  Our nursing program is well-known and well-respected, and the FHDA Board of Trustees would have something to say if we were to suddenly discontinue funding it.  The ask of this body is to reaffirm the decision made by IPBT to automatically fill nursing positions if there is a vacancy that threatens the existence of the program.  The turnover in nursing is high given how much more nurses are paid outside of education, so this would be one less hoop for the department to jump through if/when faculty leave.  Vote passes unanimously.

    If there are other programs in a similar situation where positions are required by the state for the program to exist, we can consider giving them a similar treatment.

    Faculty hiring - Auto tech

    We have a newly approved automotive technology management baccalaureate program, and the state requires a program director for the program to run.  This was not made clear to IPBT before De Anza applied for the baccalaureate program, but if we don’t approve the hire now, we can’t run the program, which no one wants.  The higher level classes in the program would require an instructor with a Masters degree, so those classes would be taught by this faculty director.  The director would oversee the baccalaureate program and the higher level courses, but would not necessarily oversee the entire auto tech dept.  This would be a 10-month position.

    In athletics there have been some faculty director-type positions that have recently been converted to administrator positions.  This would be unlikely to happen to this position, especially due to its curricular nature.

    Chancellor Miner wants us to start accepting students for the baccalaureate program in 2023, but the program can’t start until this program director is hired, 15 curricula are written and approved, and a process for accepting students is created and approved, so we probably won’t realistically start accepting students in the program until Fall 2024.  For new curricula to be implemented in Fall 2024 or later, it must be submitted this year.  The hope is to have someone hired by Spring 2023.

    Vote to recommend the hiring of a automotive technology management faculty program director was approved unanimously.

    How to proceed

    Both of today's faculty hiring requests were brought to PAC now to finish up business from IPBT.  Nursing had three faculty leave over the summer, and they are already in the process of being replaced given the policy previously approved by IPBT.

    Moving forward, the process of the Chairs bringing forward specific programs for consideration is not the approach that will be used for approving positions in general. We are “flying the plane while we’re building it,” and these two hiring decisions need to be made quickly and for compelling reasons. This is not a sustainable process, and we recognize that. These are “old business” items and we don’t have a process for new business, like the journalism position that was brought up last week, in addition to the other positions mentioned in IPBT last quarter.

    Starting next meeting, we need to talk about clear and transparent processes moving forward.  Currently many resources (Strong Work Force, Perkins, lottery, etc.) flow through the CTE subcommittee that reported to IPBT, and the record keeping and reporting for those funds is done by that committee.  Perkins spending is on a 12-month cycle, and money must be spent and items received by the end of June.  SWF is on a 24-month cycle. 

    ACTION NEEDED: Invite Dean Randy Bryant to explain this is more detail.

Zoom Information 

Meeting URL:

Meeting ID: 814 3025 8762
Passcode: 110311

One tap mobile:  +16699006833,,81430258762#

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